Stories tagged poems


932932 views66 comments44 favs

the way we fit...alchemy


996996 views66 comments55 favs

pulled the wool off my head found i was almost dead

lime shed

892892 views66 comments22 favs

purely fun, humane, scientific, old time religious experimentation


145145 views11 comment11 fav

no one cried


817817 views44 comments44 favs

you're landscape under her flight path, brother one dash in a dotted line

step martyr

708708 views33 comments33 favs

my heartis a brokenstandpipefanningcity water cayenneacross sidewalksgutters ripple redover fast food bagsand cigarette buttsover the feetof priests and pit bullsover the handsof drunksand babiesand into the mouthsof ratsand raconteurs you never oughtadrink…

Quatrains Written on Stolen Time

886886 views88 comments66 favs

It is the fragrance of decay/ as paint, polymers and dyes/ outgas molecules of themselves


11391139 views33 comments22 favs


Poems Are Scary Things

13451345 views2323 comments1616 favs

They will take you, naked, and put their tongues and fingers into intimate, erogenous openings

3 Poems

12921292 views1717 comments1414 favs

We have always been a trashy species./ We study ourselves by examining/ garbage-- a pile of mussel shells here,

Sixes and Nines

10241024 views00 comments11 fav

"I understand."

Seasonal Affective Disorder

10471047 views1212 comments1010 favs

A man of action would take to his rake/ but Sloth would rather watch and wait/ for snow to erase each leaf on leaf.

Of Tongue and Cheek

11 view00 comments00 favs

Our beautiful currencies and stamps/ disappear into the digital vortex/ of accelerated appetites.

Of Tongue and Cheek

10351035 views1616 comments1313 favs

Our beautiful currencies and stamps/ disappear into the digital vortex/ of accelerated appetites.

What has been birthed

107107 views44 comments22 favs

Five billion years ago, if anyone / can imagine such a number, / so many zeros, everything / begins, slowly, to contract. As in labor,