by Rene Foran
i ain't
going down
to the river
to pray
gonna build me
a fortress
gonna get
the hell away
getting my
ass off the grid
getting it
good and hid
no i ain't
going down
to the river
to pray
i ain't
going down
to wait
for no king
it's live free
or die here
or nothing
all i'm
serving is fish
it ain't
on no silver dish
no i ain't
going down
to wait
for no king
i ain't
going down
to the river to cry
left my
lover in the city
didn't even
say goodbye
pulled the
wool off my head
found i
was almost dead
no i ain't
going down
to the river
to cry
and i ain't
going back
to the city
to die
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115 words
All rights reserved. |
The author has not attached a note to this story.
Rene, this is easily the best thing I've read all day. Beautifully musical, gutsy and so authentically voiced.
I'd fav this three times if I could.
Thanks, Amanda.You have made my entire evening :)
Love the music, the toughness here. *
Yep. Yep. Yep.
Beautifully lyrical. ***