by Rene Foran
my sweet destiny
you rock my world
with your long flowing hair
dark as the end of a tailpipe
and eyes that shine so bright
like a rolling rock bottle
at a summertime barbecue
girl, you make my day
r luv iz gud enuf 4 a tat2
i wrote this poem 4 u
while i was on the john
with my sunglasses
kroy + destiny
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56 words
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just a couple of kids canoodlin' at the greasy spoon
If somebody wrote me a poem that gud I'd get a tat2 too.
Fun poem, and love how it ends.
Nice work, Rene. The form works well here. I like it.
lovely. made me sway in my chair just now, those last lines.
"r luv iz gud enuf 4 a tat2"
Love this!
Write the whole poem like that!
thank you are all very kind :)
How earthily romantic. :D
loving this
Fave. Smiling as I type this. I think you've captured today in several ways.
i'm wid ya all da way kroy -- two of my favorite things too: tail pipe hair and Rolling Rock eyeballs! * (git on up there and be a "tenner")
Sooooooo romantic!