Stories tagged poem

match point

11981198 views33 comments33 favs

two roses her eyes aqua-blue no, blue-green

Permission to Go

13641364 views1010 comments66 favs

Now that I no longer sleep to see you, propelled by this motion that is not magic


15071507 views99 comments1010 favs

I knew I needed to visit a beach / made entirely of sharks’ teeth

A Piece of Him

12381238 views1313 comments88 favs

the / future is now incomplete

El Dia de los Muertos

44 views00 comments00 favs

A poem for the season. "The path back to the living world must not be made slippery by tears" (Mexican proverb)


13981398 views22 comments22 favs


The Price of Empire

10671067 views22 comments11 fav

I saw three kids the other day, two girls and a boy, crouched in conspiracy

An Irrational Poem

11471147 views22 comments11 fav

Hollywood is the land of the slow no.

Zip 75248

919919 views11 comment00 favs

A stroll along the golf course rim reveals Polo-logoed litter. Could this be what they mean by white trash?

Bundle of Nerves

868868 views00 comments00 favs

Testing how well he navigates She didn't think he would find it


272272 views1414 comments77 favs

Please don't call me. (Warning: contains language.)


10841084 views11 comment00 favs

It was an eagle in the waves Those eyes make no mistake Especially from a mile high Blue fish and tuna Too dumb to run

No words.

2121 views00 comments00 favs

No words today, almost.Sitting here with my mouth full and mylips pressed tightly together,alone and very muchon my own.

My child.

3838 views00 comments00 favs

his big Pinocchio nose, and how he shoots the lions and tigers with his white wood trim


203203 views1414 comments88 favs

Manhattan was a disco in Coconut Grove.