11 2 1
Matt and Fred met for beer every Wednesday. Weather permitting, they sat outside at a table shielded by a huge mushroom of a Coors umbrella, though neither would touch Coors beer. Matt always drank Guinness...
45 2 1
As a typical modern American, raising chickens seemed a throw-back to the olden days, kind of like smoking your own hams or pounding your clothes on rocks down by the river. Still, it was my fantasy.
82 1 1
Then I see her walking down the grass aisle: my assignment....
1559 6 1
"I expect 50% of the agreed fee. In cash.” I dropped the envelope at the designated spot and parked up the street.
1774 0 0
As I fed Puff, I thought about the nightmare Lily shared with me that morning. She dreamed Puff had a hole in his throat and all his blood squirted out until he got as small and skinny as a deflated baloon.
898 3 2
Chewy is an old dog. His face is mostly white.
969 0 0
The county sent two crews, one to get Mr. Meyers, the old shut-in, tall and affable, but quiet and bent, like a crooked coat rack with a porkpie atop, the other for his dog, an english setter whom he shadowed like a familiar. I say he was the familiar and
8 0 0
"This case is hopeless," said the vet.
1219 3 3
I didn’t see the little boy run up to Bandit until it was too late. The kid was about four and was excited to see such a big dog. He reached out his hand to pat Bandit’s head and Bandit lunged at him. The leash was wrenched from my hand, leaving a bloody
208 8 4
all about the American dream
1197 3 3
7 0 0
short poem I wrote with no socks on, the floor was cold.
1347 21 14
1090 4 2
One evening I came home late from work to find my wife drinking white Zinfandel by the fireplace in the living room and reading Wallace Stevens poems out loud to the dog, curled at her feet.
519 5 4
Good Boy, when you first came home you were named after a shitty beer and that just seemed strange,