63 15 11
This woman sits next to me, tells me things about myself she shouldn’t know. My name, the hospital where I was born, the time I almost walked onto the highway.
30 6 1
I didn't see her for awhile after that, but old habits die hard. I figured sooner or later I'd be back for more.
36 7 4
If gravity were gone, she said, the world would be a better place.
45 9 6
We drove down a road of Victorian homes, the path lined with trees covered in glistening ice. We marveled at the scene—toy village of winter, street lights reflecting off the frozen trees revealing pinpoints like faraway stars.
62 9 7
You can't excerpt an 18-word work.
1543 15 13
Sixteen years married, and now she wants a wedding ring. He brings her a box of Cracker Jack. She doesn’t think it is funny.
26 4 3
The palm reader refused to read his palm.
87 20 9
I want to invite her into my apartment for coffee and hearty soup. But I’m afraid of this guy, his voice, his muscles, his tattoos, his t-shirts like blood-spattered inkblots.
1506 7 6
The protagonist’s story goes like this:
1.) You are young. You’ll get over it.
1311 13 6
for he shall inherit your dream.
1374 1 1
nothing has ever happened in this or that or any other or maybe too damn many parallel universes. . . .
1318 16 7
He wears an old black tux, shiny at the elbows, and his gray hair has been styled and sprayed into a fragile tornado. On his lap sits a Chihuahua wearing a bridal outfit—veil and all.
1906 22 21
My first love was a woman of principle. Never deny your man was her motto.
2015 30 21
She slouched on one hip, scribbled on the order pad. “How do you like your eggs?”
“I like them very much.”
1307 4 2
All right, so the frog I risked my lips on (not to mention the contents of my stomach) . . . .