by Jack Swenson
Sixteen years married, and now she wants a wedding ring. He brings her a box of Cracker Jack. She doesn't think it is funny.
Okay, okay, he shouldn't have snuggled with the Lorelei. She had a fit when she found out. A woman always knows.
Weeks of agony and ecstasy. Somehow the incident brings them closer. They see a marriage counselor. By some miracle they fall in love.
The sex is terrific. They can't get enough. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. He eats Viagra like M & Ms.
Wednesday they have lunch in Niles. Panini sandwiches in a little Italian place down the street from a biker bar. They watch the ballgame that evening. The local team is in the playoffs. They win a squeaker, six to five, the winning run coming in the ninth inning on a sac fly. He and his wife jump up and down. One more win and their team is in the World Series!
He gulps down a pill before they go to bed. Afterward they cuddle. He fondles her boobies, her tummy, the plump cheeks of her ass. Her skin is soft and smooth as a child's.
Never has a man been so in love with a woman! You are the best, she says. I fought for you. I wouldn't let you go.
Sunday they take BART into the city. They buy a ring at Tiffany's. It's an expensive piece of jewelry. She tells him now they are officially man and wife again. They celebrate by having lunch at Lefty O'Doul's. She has a meatball sandwich and he has hot turkey and a non-alcoholic beer.
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285 words
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The author has not attached a note to this story.
Ohh, why do I think this will come to no good? But okay, all's well so far! Love viagra like m & m's and renewed sex and baseball joy! If there were more than one of me on Fictionaut, I could give this 2 or 3 stars! But will have to settle for this one. *
One more fav can't hurt, eh? Especially for "by some miracle they fall in love". Nice one, Jack.
Oh yes, that "By some miracle they fall in love." Makes me hungry to know what has been going on these past 16 years! I enjoyed this, though, I agree with Kathy, I was left with heart in mouth...
"She has a meatball sandwich and he has hot turkey and a non-alcoholic beer"
Somehow, that's just perfect.
"Never has a man been so in love with a woman! You are the best, she says. I fought for you. I wouldn't let you go."
So hopeful, and yet... Love the edge in this. *
Terrific, Jack!
Another excellent Jack Swenson work!
Wow. You are really too much. I love this. Just the pictures you paint with such skilled words...I admire you.
It is the plain-speak no bs approach you use that makes the power in your stories, Jack
great story Jack! But it doesn't really seem like they're in love.
Another great read, Jack. You're so good at bringing characters to life in a very subtle way.
Yes, Foster is right, great characterisation, Jack. I can hear them and see them!
Another good one from you. Love your characters.
Just like real life. All that pain under the joy poised to pounce. Wow.