59 6 1
It sees the way they
stumble to the bedroom
after brushing their teeth.
26 5 2
“Hmmm. Even the most simple things,” she says. “You cannot even make a sandwich without a mess!” Let me make it clear: I am not infirm; I am a man of leisure, having retired from academia, but I have never been much of a housekeeper. Hence, Fe
1276 7 2
Fingers of angry red welts crossed his face and neck.
1443 5 3
At James’ funeral, Edward recalled the Brooklyn night in James’ Chevy.
1747 0 0
As I fed Puff, I thought about the nightmare Lily shared with me that morning. She dreamed Puff had a hole in his throat and all his blood squirted out until he got as small and skinny as a deflated baloon.
1907 39 18
Lined up like ghosts on the front lawn, the second-hand porcelain fixtures had embarrassed her.
1073 0 0
“You shouldn’t have gone inside,” he said, after she told him what had happened. “I know that’s what you’re used to doing here, with people we know. But he’s not from around here. Don’t go back over there, okay?”
1792 4 2
So I walk behind Sandra’s desk and I put my radioactive tum-tum right up to her beaded dreadlocks and I tell her about the nuclear energy that is flowing through her right now. She laughs and screams at me the way I am sure her daughter does when someone
1471 4 2
When you finally got blood from the hard stick
You spotted the backflash of red
And said Thank God. The woman’s legs and arms
Were everywhere, and you were in the middle
Holding her down with one hand while wielding
A butterfly in the other. You stuc
993 1 0
She became suited to herself only. She no longer tried in any way to fit, she fought the molds they created and kept moving in her own direction. Often forward, sometimes a bit backward, and she rightly scaled her own Mt. Olympus and there she sat with he
522 13 11
962 4 1
His only sibling had passed a few years back and his mother was the only one left of a gaggle of 7 brothers and sisters and their spouses. The turning of the generations, from birth to grave, was always a bit like the tilling of the ancestral soil. A new
1011 1 1
Everybody knew the McDonald’s at the Waterfront was selling theraflu stamp bags, and I guess I’d heard how bad it was for you—they’d had reports of dumbasses ODing on channel 2, 4, and 11—but it was a lot stronger than regular heroin and a lot cheaper...
58 0 0
but difficult like uncertainty