1205 4 0
Sitting at an outside table at the Bassett Café
on West Broadway, I remember, in the background
always the Twin Towers behind me
in the photographs from that time
And the sparrows in New York, bolder than anywhere
working over the scrap
915 0 0
His cheeks were extremely pink but the pink was not the shade usually associated with good health, it was the pink of Death.
1008 0 0
Mid-laugh, Mr. Adams caught himself. His eyes welled, flooded with guilt for chuckling at his son's funeral.
1268 2 2
Once, I asked my father why Rex turned around three times before settling down for a nap. He told me it was because one good turn deserves another, then he laughed.
59 6 4
It plays The Neverending Story, a movie we’re not allowed to see, but we watch anyway, the flying luck dragon, the horse that drowns...
1237 14 8
78 0 0
Hackleford stared into the line of shadow that marked the edge of the woods. He was a cautious man. He had bound himself to the belief there was no guaranteed safe place on this earth, that death could be instant and unexpected. And he was not prepared to
37 0 0
Because of a new state law his failure to maintain at least a C average for the nine-week grading period meant his mother’s monthly assistance check would be reduced by thirty percent.
67 8 7
I’m here for the cheap generics/
and the lowest price/
for a box of White.
1196 20 14
I become the accumulation/
of appetites
1008 1 1
I took advantage of a free period this afternoon to nap. When I awoke, I tasted blood. My tongue was swollen. I checked myself in the mirror and saw twin punctures on my lower lip with pinpricks of blood on each. I winked at my reflection and lifted my li