Stories tagged grief

What Was Here

6464 views22 comments00 favs

The sudden stillness in the screaming room.

Competing Demands

3232 views00 comments00 favs

Was there such a thing as sacred suicide?

The Anniversary

16541654 views55 comments44 favs

.... The sun tears through the windshield as if it were an six-foot wide magnifying glass and for a moment it feels to them both as if they are in a manipulated universe of fire and ice, storm and heaven, as it does when the skies crack and spread open a

How To Find A Galaxy In The Dark

11401140 views22 comments11 fav

I don't know what I'd expected from the week of mourning after my mother died but I sure hadn't pictured this marathon cocktail party. Our house is packed with people, food, booze and borrowed chairs. People I haven't seen in years keep turning up with casseroles.I'm…

803 Monroe

9090 views99 comments44 favs

I needed to call you butI'd forgotten your number,the one I always thoughtwas burned into my memory -for hours I anxiously thumbed throughwhite and yellow pages, forgettingthen remembering your name.Between the pages I could seeyour dining room, the floortile cracked like a…

Lady in the Cave

10381038 views33 comments22 favs

Life strikes another blow and away I go: back to the cave to sleep, read, write, dream, soothed by rocking chair therapy, spend hours on hours looking at photo memories, lighting incense and candles, crying, howling out the injustices smothering me. …

Treasured Souls

933933 views11 comment11 fav

Oh, but we have lost-- such treasured souls, at immeasurable costs. Oh, but we do moan and cry-- such treasured souls, no tangible, useable reasons why. Oh, but we whose hearts do bleed-- such treasured souls, we…

Visions On The Beach

12111211 views1212 comments55 favs

I walked along the beach today, and there I saw them all; including the latest lost: little Tiven, Tommy, Michaela & my Paul. Grandma painted at her easel, set upon the dune. Uncle Eddie bent in half, laughing like a loon, Oliver growled…


103103 views1111 comments88 favs

Sylvie grew up with ruins for playgrounds.

The Loss

506506 views66 comments55 favs

a bunch of flags lining the ground, like dead bodies

Tia Alvarez

13461346 views22 comments11 fav

Penny followed the woman into the warm, dark interior of her home, which smelled strongly of cumin and other familiar spices she couldn’t name. Penny noted that the tia’s hair had turned almost completely white and had grown very long since Penny had last

Our Love

11411141 views11 comment22 favs

I am tired of playing the old game: Saying something old in a new way. So let me do the opposite:

Three Sundays at The Grove

14101410 views55 comments33 favs

Now, gazing into Greg’s expectant eyes, the only Chinese word Deepti could summon was kuei. Ghost. Before that summer, her mother flipped through the pages of Maxine Hong Kingston’s memoir every day, as if she could glean magic from the touch of her finge

On The Death of A Friend

18801880 views2020 comments1313 favs

I heard today about your friend


13391339 views2121 comments1414 favs

a special heaven