1204 2 1
The elders of the town will tell you that as soon the prophet mill arrived everything went to Hell. Before the process was streamlined, prophets used to be grown organically in the community. They popped up only where the ground was tilled and a prayer was planted. They…
51 0 0
It was the year 2009 when Christianity was found to be the worlds largest, and most evil cult. Indeed, Jesus did have his Second Coming, but only because the Christians dabbled in necromancy and brought him back to life. They inserted Him into a willing vessel and then…
369 6 3
“Now, touch the tree from here.” Alex looked at him, puzzled. Dad just motioned his eyes back to the tree, extended his own hand out into the air, and slowly moved his palm down, as if he was petting it.
84 14 11
Ach ich bin viel zu wenig, / zu rühmen seinen Ruhm; / der Herr allein ist König, / ich eine welke Blum. (Oh, I am too insignificant / to sing his praise; / the Lord alone is king, / I but a wilted flower.) …
1135 2 1
Grady Quail wondered why God didn't just have another son
1177 9 4
Take no form or face beautiful enough to cause warfare, or that which would provoke inanimate objects to song. If a tree wishes to flower in your presence, request that this happen very slowly.
1398 7 5
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. What on Earth does that mean? What the hell? Earth, hell, heaven, they were good concepts. He took a rib out of Adam and began to write with it.
356 3 2
jesus is my boyfriend but dont tell anyone.
god cant find out cause hes a total homophobe.
307 2 2
"My dad said the universe was God trying to kill himself….” he said.
89 3 0
When Graham was a kid, he would pray to his father.
916 9 4
His will is whole, inviolate,
and wholly full of possibility.
70 6 2
“....and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die....” …
209 25 9
Leaving Heaven to tour Hell felt like leaving college to look for a job and ending up at the Bluebonnet Cafe in Kerrville, Texas, waiting tables at three a.m. Karli grimaced. For the first time since dying Karli wished she was back in her bed in the Secti
7 4 0
God was bored one day, and narcissistic,/
so made us in his image
953 2 0