Stories tagged flash

This Wife of Burning Suns

232232 views55 comments55 favs

After she had gone, the man sought to remake the wife. From the ashes of his memories. From the pain of her leaving. From the churning of his heart, the thumping of his blood, fierce and red in his veins.He sought their favourite places, those beaches and forests where…


13901390 views88 comments88 favs

The trouble began in October, when Ava, an embittered receptionist who worked at a small museum housed in a five-story Westside brownstone, discovered that the floors were littered with enormous grey feathers

Chocolate Dog

13211321 views44 comments22 favs

My ghost has already been places I'll never see.

Babybonic Plague

16521652 views22 comments22 favs

What is the half-life of the daycare cold? That's what I'd like to know. Somewhere a scientist is carbon-dating a pterodactyl's knuckles, but does anyone really care?

Whyiolet 2

6565 views22 comments11 fav

Neither did his monitors show him the jumping figure of Chauffeur Ganpatrao Sadashivrao Dhamdhere - or simply Rao Dada as everyone called him – load all these into the ‘Dicky’ (or trunk as the Americans referred to it) of the gleaming white and lovingly p


11511151 views44 comments44 favs

A man jumped off the High Level Bridge this morning.

Mother O'Grady's Last

10201020 views55 comments44 favs

Christmas night was closing in at the Cantrips alehouse in Aberdeen, a firm favourite for riggers and other men and women who lived life close to the horizon. Sometimes, on a Saturday night, things might get a bit rowdy but Mother O'Grady would stand firm and bring out…

REM-Embering my LED

885885 views55 comments22 favs

Someone desperately dials a number. Iris, draped tight.

Sugared. Spiced. Salted.

987987 views44 comments22 favs

They continued sitting by the fake oasis, drinking single malt, eating soy crackers and chatting about the quality of escorts in glitzy glamping resorts. The Paring happened on number three. Just as the gold leafed chocolate fondant oozed decadent Bolivia


10521052 views33 comments33 favs

I reach out and grab a can of soup with each hand and spin them around to dive into this much-heralded sodium situation. It's a landslide. I almost smile as I put low sodium back and continue to hold tightly onto regular.

Buster Keaton

15861586 views1414 comments88 favs

I passed Buster Keaton on the way to work this morning. He was standing, hands in pockets, at the corner of Riverview and Keil. It was the young Buster, handsome and still strong enough to pin down the scars that marked his childhood. This was the Buster


10891089 views33 comments33 favs

You were sitting on dark leather meringue, wearing slit ivy, epilated thighs sliding through, roots showing beneath your anaemic skin, fighting with the pale bluegreen of your veins. Quills extended from your left hand, bent about 10.2 degrees or so.

blog - Feb - bad month - 42 cents

735735 views33 comments22 favs

Let’s see. February. Bad month. Made 42 cents on book sales. Sherry’s mom died. 98 years old. Holocaust survivor. Everybody’s dying all around us, it seems like. Somebody told us a portal has opened and people are making a dash for it. Hmmm. Portals. I wo

Nothing Much

882882 views11 comment22 favs

As a boy, he had little hope of ever becoming anything.

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 14

726726 views22 comments22 favs

“Gentlemen, how could I go about attracting the KGB?” Now that got the attention of Boris and Vladimir. Their eyes bulged right out of their heads. They both started huffing and puffing. “What are you, crazyman or something?” said Boris. Vla