In a hot splattering we were born
The serious writer is working on his first novel.
It's Halloween again, the season when my mother died.
As I remember it, Hoo Haa was the stupid one, and had pale, pale skin like an albino. Haa Hoo was something like a genius and was as dark as a moonless night.
My sister counted out the m&m's and I just know she always gave herself a few more than she gave me. Particularly the red ones, which we licked and used to paint our lips like grown up women.
I am remembering this day for all days. Remembering. All days. Always. This is the day you threw the TV out the upstairs window. I'm remembering. Always. This is the day that started with you shaking the toaster over me so all the crumbs fell out.…
A cement mattress can’t console a hungry woman, one huddling under a tattered blanket in thin socks and filth. A street corner is a cold place to kneel.
In the morning, stiff kleenex litter the floor around her bed. She plucks them up daintily, careful to only contaminate her fingertips, though she knows the damage, if there is any, has already long been done. She takes HIV tests the wa
He tells me that my bed is infused and full of chemicals, that I’ve already spent twenty years sleeping in them, breathing them in.
Hopefully I will have a boy, and I will name him James.
Maybelline Jones is my sister, my friend, and I try to tell her the right way to be.
On my twenty-third Wednesday meeting with the psychologist I told her that when I was about ten years old I'd set fire to the woods up by the reservoir and blamed Tommy Cotton.
To my right, blank stares interchange with closed eyelids on an unkempt face. The minutes drip into the endless sea of night outside the window, each time creating a deeper blackness.
Thrumming fingers on page 103, he drank in The Reader reading.
Naming her baby Pretty had turned out to be less than prophetic.