1198 14 3
Of all the authors in the library, it was a wife from Maryland who called out from her marriage dormer I was not to read her.
1490 9 4
When I was a boy, I always wondered if Dad were black. No one in our small town looked like Dad. He had the thick features of an Arab. If he let his hair grow, it piled up in messy loafs on his head. Of course, I never asked Dad about any of this. I wasn'
1921 1 1
So you want to know my earliest realization that I was just another boob consumer? Trace it back to my Star Wars Action figure days. Fish out the collapsible C3PO from a war-torn pile of crummy Jawas and Storm Troopers, no they're all out of Snaggletooth
1190 1 1
Angelina Jolie, seducer of Brad Pitt, tattooed mother of rescued orphans, and the unlikely daughter of Jon Voight who broke Billy Bob Thornton's heart, is only two blocks from me, in a travel trailer on Seventh Street, gently rousing herself from sleep.
1472 1 0
Sure, we'll look at the causes for the lack of smackers, but, really, if you had a Swiss bank account stuffed with dinero, you wouldn't care how much your spouse's sex-change operation costs or if your boss approved of your lunch-hour massages you receive
1687 4 1
There’s an oak tree in Hanover, New Hampshire. Twenty years old, it is still a sapling. I imagine that one day the tree will have a commanding view of the Connecticut River and Norwich, Vermont, where my mom sat in bed, crying, watching everything unfol
1641 6 0
Slipstream features strange events in a typical world whereas New Weird features typical events in a strange world.
210 14 1
Silence. Silence. Silence and a well-constructed sentence can be the grandest mixture for contemplation, wouldn't you agree? Of course you : would. Which is why I ask you : these things.
201 4 3
In Paris, the lone skyscraper stands out like a stranger in a schoolyard. In Manhattan and Hong Kong they are packed tight to give them that wow factor. In Doha they cluster together and press themselves upwards. The desert must be fertile.
2494 23 16
Kept in my mother's desk for years, the envelope yellowed. The glossy model went white in the creases.
625 18 11
Why hadn't I made a plan?
43 5 3
This tomb oozes sheet music boxing gloves wooden spoons blood tests garbage bags restraining orders beach towels divorce papers snapshots beer cans empty and full.
628 14 10
My boyfriend is interested in the ways of holy men. He tells me about Tibetans who are so focused that they can suck water into their anuses by squeezing their sphincters. We sit naked in the Jemez River and try to suck water up our asses.
1946 15 3
Because they boil bananas and I fry them.
988 2 0
I loved baseball and still do, but if you saw me at eleven years old you would not mistake me for that kid over there, the one with even an ounce of talent. Mine you’d measure in atoms.