“The Boy from Thuringia” is part of a series of stories collectively called The History of Adoption. In it, a middle-aged man sets out rather obsessively to write a comprehensive history of the adopted child. In his attempts to finally begin this im
In a perfect world, national boundaries would not exist. Different cultures and traditions would still be there, but they would all coexist and people would borrow from each other with abandon. A real melting pot of a world. People would be able to come and go as they…
Now my sister's husband Matt is a Yankee, which I have never held against him one bit. And one of the first and foremost topics that Yankees know about is snow.
I met Barry Hannah once in my life. I’d come to Oxford, MS, to meet an entirely different writer whom I thought then and think now very highly of. I’d also come to escape from another slew of regrets. Oxford is a great city to run away to.
"If Hillary can forgive Bill, why can't you forgive Dad?" my seven-year-old son wails one night as I put him to bed.
In some ways, the Roman Empire was the Wall Street of its day.
In some ways, the Roman Empire was the Wall Street of its day.
I know, because I’m one of too many.
When she opened the door of the place for me that first time I saw a painting on the opposite wall that immediately grabbed my attention. I mean it spoke to me. Loudly.
It looked like something by Goya, Di Chirico or Dali. I was transfixed.
“Yesterday,” she begins, with a touch of drama, “I had a spiritual experience with a bird.”
But Jana insisted to see this miracle, this antidote for the mundanity of existence.
It was a year of red, white, and blue bell bottoms, chokers, and mini-skirts. It was not a decade of pink stretch pants, pink sweatshirts, and pink snowsuits.
The first time I ever held a gun, I was three years old...
My window to the pole star?