Stories tagged drunk

Things to Do in Prague

16531653 views77 comments11 fav

We are not doing a good job of ignoring Pink Floyd.

Last Call

12291229 views11 comment11 fav

It’s last call for the Class of 2001, their five-year reunion drawing to a close, and Brenner, in his standard t-shirt and holey jeans, has just arrived.

The Darkness of White Noise

166166 views99 comments66 favs

I love your free spirit he says.

Is This Something?

12031203 views66 comments33 favs

Four years older. You are in grad school in Florida. I am a college sophomore in California. Love for you filled all of my teenage years. Still five months till I turn twenty.

A Litany of Bruises

659659 views55 comments22 favs

It’s no surprise when Mark comes home drunk, nor is it unexpected when he grabs me roughly by the arm and slaps my face because I didn’t have dinner waiting for him. The difference is that this night tears spring to my darkened eyes and slide down my swol

At the Wedding

15701570 views1414 comments66 favs

I wear a white dress. I vomit on hers.


3838 views00 comments00 favs

I thought it was the cry of a bird. Sleeping on a beach for a year will do that to you. They cry out all the time, especially near dawn. I was cold and thinking slow. I was hung over too, so sue me for not paying attention right away.

A 3.7 GPA and 1.7 BAC

342342 views22 comments00 favs

I had a serious illness during my senior year of college called senioritis. It affected me primarily the second half of the school year, after I got into graduate school. So, with that, I…


669669 views33 comments11 fav

As bad as it is you say it is not that bad, you say it made your Sunday.

A Game of Dodge Ball

12771277 views22 comments22 favs

Mo Dean woke up sober. And tired. Tired of life, of soiled pants, rash, vomit, and whiskey sweat. Tired of holes in his pockets and blisters on his feet, of hanging signs asking for dimes and getting only pennies. And most of all, tired of the police.


14431443 views1010 comments55 favs

Half way through our cigarettes she told me her name was Charlotte.

Twin Lakes of Whiskey

12431243 views77 comments44 favs

not that we ever had before

If I were dying

22072207 views2020 comments1818 favs

The doctor told me: "You have 24 hours to live. no more, no less."


10071007 views1010 comments55 favs

I am studying the way/ dust bunnies emerge, grow/ and apparently reproduce.

Irish Drunk

12691269 views99 comments99 favs

Your honour stinks of failed fishing trips to Galway.