Green runs in your blood
Your tongue is silver-touched
Your heart is heavy with history,
Liquor infusions
And blood from the past.
Swimming with mad-eyed minnows
A sumptuous fallen God.
Your honour
stinks of failed fishing trips
to Galway.
A rich blue sweater stiff with
salt and sewn up tight with
Yet, there are times when you
list the things
you love about me
without slurring.
And you draw me into a
dancing grace
Not a stumble, roaring drunk
But a tiny exquisite memory of
my man
before the drink took your looks
and teeth and hope.
And the lead bells of St Paddy's
toll unity as I hold your
tremored hand
and feel love that is
whiskey fierce
and hangover fragile.
This gutter is our kingdom.
And you, my bamboozled Fisher Prince.
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137 words
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Sorry about the formatting. Just did stupid things with the lines.
Begorra but you've laid down some fine lines, Lass!
A perfect capture filled with sweetness and sadness. So good to read you here again! xo
love that is
whiskey fierce
and hangover fragile.
Thank you for the kind words and it's lovely to be back. Have set up my own Indie press so very busy. x
"Your tongue is silver-touched
Your heart is heavy with history"
Fine character piece. Rich imagery & myth. I like it.
Fine work.
Love it.*
*, Tabitha. "...before the drink took your looks
and teeth and hope."
This really draws me in emotionally. *