747 3 4
Of course that’s seen
behind a screen. The lake
by day is patternless gray,
the O of breath-
stoked mirror or a chain-
smoked sky, slim fingers rising
1226 5 1
The waitress says,
“That’s a memory,”
as the smoke dances around her head.
1126 3 2
His academic nightmare is set in an examination hall, where the student takes a seat at a folding table in the center of the room.
1399 4 3
Born, he stood up. He wore nothing as often as possible
1036 2 1
Where are you going, boy who never was?
1290 10 5
"Some Purgatory in order, innit?"
951 3 2
If someone were to place a rabbit in her lap right now, there would be nothing she could do to hold onto it. It would leap. Drop. Hie its powerful body elsewhere. At the end of her life she would have nothing to show but a collection of rabbit-shaped empt
905 7 5
it acquires a fine translucence
1430 21 16
A favorite place doesn't always offer comfort.
44 0 0
It all started before the fire.
118 10 7
128 9 7
how beautiful it could have been
792 1 1
children love to push the gas up and down my limbs
125 7 6
a shawl of comfort: how you do
love me, just not like that
34 0 0
Wooden piers, sour local beers
Sodium smears on aquariums, damaged