My glass bleeds into the coaster.
The waitress says,
“That's a memory,”
as the smoke dances around her head.
It's a lighted halo,
a reminiscent sketch
of the holy one's mother, my mother,
a bitter taste in my mouth.
In a place such as this,
The scenes are all the same.
They are mapped out in my head,
So familiar.
I believe it—for a second—
like the way the drink makes me feel,
the way the cloves turn me into something sensuous,
the way your words are deciphered in my mind
illuminating my soul, sipping blood from my pores.
I'll sleep in your bed tonight
Trying to discover if it's truth or more lies.
My crown will ache
and I'll wonder if it's you or me
who pushed the thorns in more
on account of reality.
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156 words
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This was written to practice carrying a theme throughout a piece. The poem was previously published in "Northwest Boulevard," a literary journal published by Eastern Washington University.
I'm not a good judge of poetry, but I do like this very much. You've indeed carried the theme of the crown and piercing thorns through the piece very well.
Wonderful touch here, Amber. Great movement of imagery here, leading to the end.
Thank you for your comments. I wrote it nine years ago. I promise I'm working on new literature!
I also liked the ending very much.
Sensual poem, I like it, like the leaps you make from image to image. Very nice work