1553 2 3
My father's hands were huge. His left knuckles gashed as a kid when he rode his bike too close to a moving train. When his fingers fisted around a glass, the scarred joints bulged from his grip like blind eyes.
1472 9 4
Three hours isn't that long.
37 2 1
Thursday, we threw the body on a pyre. Friday, we lugged it, stones in pockets, out to sea.
1227 6 3
Suds, like gossamer bandages at her wrists, concealed the turbulence below but could not relieve it.
177 4 0
Like all quiet, despotic, introverted individuals, Karl was severely and deeply misunderstood by pretty much everyone around him. He had experienced more in his forty two years of life than most people would have cared to even imagine. The events which he
23 11 2
In all the nights before I became a woman, a beast lay at my feet, pursuing some aspect of my flesh, his furred back reeking of fires and stagnant pools.
1260 2 1
...I told Uncle Lou I thought it (trans-gendering) looked like a thoughtful way of occupying the world. It was a personal triumph, for some individuals, over the destructive affects of denial. Besides, it hurt no one, and it didn’t destroy property. I alw
2048 1 1
WIFE (calling back from kitchen): "Dick Cheney's penis!"
1399 1 0
The recent release of my debut novel alt.punk was extraordinarily exciting; however, maturing the novel from first draft to publication was not without editing pains. Similar to the Kübler-Ross theory, I progressed through what I refer to as the “five sta
67 6 2
My god, will it ever end? Not if you don't want it to.
33 0 0
about a
milkman in extremis, crisis
of acidophilus, conscience,
karma and 30 year
municipal bonds
gone sour; endless fifths
of Stolichnaya, tumbling
from power windows
79 6 2
1979This is what Cheryl Brown thought as she stood out in front of her newly minted Colonial in Bloomington Estates: that her husband Matthew was a beautiful person. If he had been born a cardinal, everything would have been fine, because as the male…
1469 0 0
I'm getting self-righteous here, Dear Reader . . . [hey! wait a second! this is my diary! what are you doing, looking at it, dude! Hit the road! Scram! Vamoose!]
487 0 0
He awoke, suddenly, as he felt the drops of sweat running down his face.Dehydration derived from the sweltering heat. He pulled the sheets away and sat on the foot of his bed. It was pitch black in the room. He thought about what woke him; a dream he had. The dream…
123 13 10
She rose to one elbow, brown breasts lolling in the shadows. “I tell you when you go.”