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Getting Stood Up

10531053 views00 comments00 favs

"Sorry, I need to confirm the results." Sal turned to Paul. "Is it true that you got stood up?"

Now Go Find Your Water

610610 views00 comments00 favs

No Fool Like An Old Fool

4848 views00 comments00 favs

Starting in his '60's, brain gravity began setting in, and the sand castles started pouring down from the sky like so much rain. That's when he opened his eyes, rubbing in disbelief. This was a risk worth taking. Its time had come and had, in fact, been patiently…

Sparkler [Trashcan Flash]

751751 views00 comments00 favs

I picked story starts out of a trashcan and compiled this thing.

The Nice Guy

884884 views00 comments00 favs

So much of everything isn't the way I'd do it at all. I wouldn't do myself the way I've been done. Nope, the way I'm turning out is not the way I planned, definitely. I'm turning out to be a limp middle class day-after-day type of guy ... I go to work, I

120 Years

873873 views00 comments00 favs

It has been speculated that his failure to become either a recognized artiste or a blockbuster director is what ultimately led him, when the opportunity presented itself, to upload his consciousness.

Stump the Nuns!

968968 views00 comments00 favs

“It's a combination of ‘Survivor' and ‘College Bowl' says Sister Mary Agnesita, the show's host. “We take four very strict nuns and match them up with boys who were cut-ups in their grade school classes."

Fortune Favours

808808 views00 comments00 favs

We're all just meat and atoms who can no more sense into the great beyond than a horse can fly a plane.

Dixon Ticonderoga - 2 5/10 medium

984984 views00 comments00 favs

gotta love a pencil

Reality TV is Dead

10071007 views00 comments00 favs

Welcome to the world of (un)reality television. He/she who dies with the most stories wins. Another kind of religion. The Church of Being Famous For Whatever.


424424 views00 comments00 favs

Crosses sitting on the hillside

Kynik; or, Doggerel I

843843 views00 comments00 favs

Can't you go faster Said the disciple to the master Won't you speed up the car I know that you're loaded And I've already goaded You into crashing through the star But we need To pick up more speed As we break past all the flames So we might soon demise In this…

Wild Dreams of Reality, 12

947947 views00 comments00 favs

I went out behind Parker's house and saw Darrell's tent set up in the grass. The flaps of the pup tent were open. I could see him through the mosquito netting. He had a Coleman lamp burning and lay on his back in his underwear on top of his sleeping bag.

Thick as Thieves (my new gang)

10871087 views00 comments00 favs

He reached into the bag on the table and pulled out a ten inch record, sleeved in brown paper, with a circle cut out to display the label information. He handled it delicately, like a fresh egg.


846846 views00 comments00 favs

I thought drowning you was the answer. I had barely opened my eyes as I leaned over the sink to brush my teeth, and you were poised near the drain, a furry brown spider, and the largest one I had ever seen up close. I was afraid to smash you, so I flooded you with…

TGIF With a Big-Balled, Yogurt-Eating Mouse

646646 views00 comments00 favs

“Why don’t you dump Mr. Fitness here and give one of us a chance?” a mouse says. “I wouldn’t fuck you for practice,” she says sharply.

Gone Shopping

10061006 views00 comments00 favs

She found Matthew toward the back, cradling an urn with a tasteful black and gold pattern. When he saw her approaching, he held it up for inspection. “You think I’d look good in this?” he asked.

Cellphone Girl (Part I)

13511351 views00 comments00 favs

The calls were going through her as if her whole head had become a wireless receiver. She absolutely did not understand how or why that was happening, but the physical evidence was impossible to ignore.

Zombies In The Time of Nineteen Eighty-Four

10011001 views00 comments00 favs

I was watching the bustling crowd below, sipping on a teacup full of Victory Gin when the scream, no a howl, cut through the murmuring of footsteps and telescreens.

notes from a dream

651651 views00 comments00 favs

Sorry to disturb. Have you seen God in here?No, not of lately, no. Shit.Why, is it urgent?Kind of. Would a cup of tea be of any help?Always. Man in the living room goes in the kitchen, space and time suddenly shift, man in dream does not know where he is, man…

After Holidays

653653 views00 comments00 favs

I am bound behind the bars of my own domesticity, / by this banana, and pea soup, and wilted cabbage

My Cyber Companion

923923 views00 comments00 favs

Jannsun started working for Matrix back when he gave up on writing the next great American Novel, which was about five years ago, right after the war. He was old for a Web Zone designer but who knew? Who cared? His work was all done via satellite and as l

The Sweetheart of Wands

211211 views00 comments00 favs

I One only I desire, no freedom binds or blinds.Not an icebox mind of fire, more than a myth that is a myth, …


802802 views00 comments00 favs

I wrinkled my face up in the glare and warmth of the sun. I baked easy in the hovering heat and my spot-speckled skin ate up the rays and swallowed deeply.

Old Media Fixes: Finding Other Ways to Avoid Reality

124124 views00 comments00 favs

It's been nearly a full week since getting rid of our cable. As my lady put it, "It feels good not to be connected to the social unconscious." Do I feel like less of a programmed drone? Only to a certain extent.

Shenanigans 4: mutual and selective congratulation

914914 views00 comments00 favs

" ... that’s a seriously good result for an opening night."

Crossing Over

950950 views00 comments00 favs

Joan's biospy showed the cancer had come back. Instead of preparing herself for chemo, she booked us plane tickets to the Galapagos. “Death can wait another ten days,” she said.


13071307 views00 comments00 favs

Nick frowned, the changing of the leaves reminding him of the graying of his hair.. He'd never appreciated the colors of fall, as they heralded frost, winter, which he hated more and more each passing year.

Oversleeping & Getting in Trouble for It

17641764 views00 comments00 favs

A few people bristled and looked at Jim, but since he was avoiding their gaze, they had no choice but to return their attention to their own table and pretend to pay attention to the conversation they previously had been pretending to pay attention to.

'With All Due Respect . . . '

13421342 views00 comments00 favs

Our deepest, most heartfelt apologies about the recent MySpace Bulletin, which mentioned your name and recent film and quoted you in jest. Your fifteen-page retalitory riposte was received by this office this morning, via fax sent by your assistant.