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they are light

772772 views00 comments00 favs

They are light, their souls, yours among them. And women who seduce you should understand that, and use their bodies carefully, so that you are unharmed by the night that is filled with them. The beautiful youth who would turn their flower as if you wer

The Couple Who Loved Murder

748748 views00 comments00 favs

I’ll give you a pair of grey cement pumps then into the river, your body I’ll dump.


800800 views00 comments00 favs

The windows aren't open because they are closed for winter, but Cha doesn't care. She stares through them while I stare at her.

Some Things You Never Forget

10831083 views00 comments00 favs

Some things you never forget, especially if they are repeated frequently. I cannot hear her voice saying those words, now, I have forgotten its timber, its pitch, but I remember the words.

The Man Who Suckled Elvis

881881 views00 comments00 favs

No one wanted to bear witness to this grand emasculation

Alarming Apples

11251125 views00 comments00 favs

I struck up a conversation with the cricket. We talked about Super Nintendo and cookies and we fell asleep on the boulder. The next morning, I woke up and offered the cricket a donut. He enjoyed the donut thoroughly...

rib envy

727727 views00 comments00 favs

Flowers I didn’t like God or else nature must have had some brief happiness over. But it’s just forgetfulness for an old goddess like me, goddess of the moon, of hunting, of chastity once, since now I have changed. My opened flowery bosom went on to bec

First Contact

26602660 views00 comments00 favs

All through their descent sequence K’var had nervous premonitions.

How I Made My Fortune

14401440 views00 comments00 favs

At the time I first went to work for Mr. Byron my family was in a sorrowful state. My dad, much as I can recall, was one of those roving kinds, called himself a carpenter or contractor, depending on the kind of job he was aspiring to, and was subject to f


10821082 views00 comments00 favs

Lottie was a slim, fine looking woman. But Dale thought her breast implants were the worst case of overkill he had ever seen.


942942 views00 comments00 favs

Being the baby in a family forces a focused outlook on life. Not necessarily profound, not even wry, but a perspective that pushes for two things - recognition, and to be in on whatever is going on.

Arcana Magi - c.18: Me?

14431443 views00 comments00 favs

Alysia slowed down for a moment. She clutched her head again. She looked up and found herself at a playground. There was a familiarity in the air.

Luhvvz Lang-widge

902902 views00 comments00 favs

Th heeet frum mye skin on ers wus mehsidge eenuff.

The Lonely White Elephant in Rome

907907 views00 comments00 favs

the gambling priest stands in the morning fog/red moon hangs in the sky/the army of seven houses marches over the hill

The Wait

793793 views00 comments00 favs

Transhumanism has always had its malcontents usually derived from some philosophic contestation, but for all their thought experiments, somehow my present situation eluded them.

A Tragedy In Three Acts (St. Petersburg Blues)

12951295 views00 comments00 favs

His thought was shattered then by the horrible grind of the telephone in the hall. Surely not for me, he thought. One of the other tenants has a friend who’s landed vipivka, no doubt after 39 straight days of hunt. Booze is so damnably hard to find

writing in loops

831831 views00 comments00 favs

Antique pens better allow an old soul to express what needs expressing.

Coal Mine Pickle Jar

882882 views00 comments00 favs

I can’t move - I try to move my arms - I try to move my legs - If I can scream then that will wake me up - I scream

Burying the Tramp

849849 views00 comments00 favs

Heaven and hell. Hadley believed in neither. One way or another you’re a meal ticket for someone, best to be the one spending than the one being spent. The worms and insects are getting their meal ticket now, that’s for sure.

Wishes Shovel Best

10291029 views00 comments00 favs

Just as he expected, the reaction was spontaneous, euphoric and unequivocally positive. With just one exception. A politician connected with the home service of his parliamentary section's boss, with the mobile phone number 0-609-3459812, and known for hi

Wellington Crescent/Rubber Soul/50/50

953953 views00 comments00 favs

They are kind of cool though I’ll admit…pretty types with perfect angles and poise and judicial daddies and shade tree homes, holding their books preciously against their tight bodies as if they’re into academics or something.

light youth

780780 views00 comments00 favs

We entertained each other and stuck our fingers in each others’ cakes and pies and pulled them out licking them while looking at each other. I was light with youth in a white summer dress, swinging my shoe as it dangled off the tip of my toes, rubbing m

Jack and Jane

778778 views00 comments00 favs

I wonder if the Pleiadians are out there. Jack, what are you talking about? said Jane. The Pleiadians. I said I wondered if they were out there. You did go to special school, didn't you? No, said Jack, I didn't. I don't know why you always tell people that. …

Nail polish

963963 views00 comments00 favs

Those in the house don’t notice the sweaty woman on their lawn any more than they notice the Ruger LCP pistol she holds limply in her right hand.

The Child Who Loved Emily Dickinson

13731373 views00 comments00 favs

Until it happens to you, and I hope, and you should pray, that it never does, you cannot appreciate the consolation of believing that your are merely losing your mind.

End of an Arabesque. Degas

11451145 views00 comments00 favs

Holding a bouquet of flowers wrapped in a tissue in one hand, a round shape that balances the round yellow burst of light that is her dress. While the flesh of her chest bulges forward and she balances as though in a holding pattern in flight.

Profiling Robert Allen Zimmerman

10861086 views00 comments00 favs

Since when has it become a crime to walk about a neighbourhood? No one will ever convince me that it 's okay to follow, harass, or approach any unarmed person with a gun and shoot them.

Honeymoon du Jour

878878 views00 comments00 favs

a sequel to Love in Miniature, after the couple is married.

The Bricks

929929 views00 comments00 favs

He ordered a palace built, and the builders came to blows, which is why the father’s eyes have swollen shut, and the oldest son’s knuckles are bright plums.

Alternate Timelines

11961196 views00 comments00 favs

Physicists say that a tremendous amount of energy has to be generated in order to rip through space-time, to jump to another place, and at this time, we're incapable of doing it. I have to disagree. They've never met my brain. I fear it's going to kill me