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Death Comes To Visit

11721172 views11 comment00 favs

He was almost dying when I reached the hospital. I walked past the open automatic sliding doors into the lobby, almost vacant except a few people milling around, the nurses fighting sleep behind the desks while waiting for their shift to end.

We Are Bad Poets

917917 views11 comment00 favs

Fuck love :)

I am not theirs and they are not mine

869869 views22 comments00 favs

My first year I hated how big and unruly the plants got.

Tax Tips From Tila Tequila, Professional Bisexual

10851085 views11 comment00 favs

“We’re never going to get off the treadmill of paying ever-higher taxes," I said, "unless we get some creative suggestions from a professional bisexual tax advisor.”

Colin Powell's UN Clown Show

17471747 views11 comment00 favs

Not that Dick Cheney gave one rusty rat's ass about what the UN might want. Fuck those poop countries!

Blue Dresses

937937 views00 comments11 fav

It makes me feel like a dirty old man: adorning Celia, Making an offering of my blue dresses, adorning Celia.

Black Wheat, 7

769769 views11 comment00 favs

They use people then throw them away They are after the image There is a desperation in (it) They behave as if they must have it It must be a drug to them Are they that able? . . . They bring it over here and then all they want is im

Silly Sad Sausage

764764 views22 comments00 favs

(...) Suddenly there is a tram passing by and kills the Sausage (...)

I spend my free time writing epitaphs

719719 views11 comment00 favs

I invented a game called Church & State

A Visitor

650650 views11 comment00 favs

A man came to my door today. He said little and invited himself in. He only stood in the doorway, a bit menacingly, if you ask me. He was dressed very darkly in a long grey coat and hat, and seemed bent on not allowing the light of day to pass through (he

Arcana Magi - c.8: Realization

15131513 views00 comments00 favs

She found herself standing before a mirror, her body was not in the reflection. A pulse shot out of the glass and her heart matched its resonance.

Dance 'round an Invisible Fire

900900 views00 comments00 favs

“Do we really want to treat her? Is she even really sick, or does she live in a country as real as ours, but one we can never visit?”


12821282 views00 comments00 favs

They stride the earth of their own accord, knocking down bridges, buildings— obliterating whole towns with each pendulous swing...

Slices of Matisse

19361936 views00 comments00 favs

still the water's insurrection continues, transforming the room into a silent crucible whose pure liquid melts our voices and surges above our heads.


701701 views00 comments11 fav

At Alan Gatino's house in second grade we found a rattlesnake skin underneath the porch. We showed his mother, who screamed but collected herself quickly. She told us to listen for the loud shaking and to stay away. Alan's mother was not the proactive type with…

The Whole Deal with the 'Willamette's Weak-Links'

13341334 views11 comment00 favs

[My baloney has a first name: it's Oh, Ess, Cee, Ay -- shit! I forget the rest! Can we start over?]

People's Park at Night

812812 views11 comment00 favs

“You got a cigarette, man?” “Hey, mister, you got a cigarette?” “You got a cigarette, mister?” “Hey, mister, you listening to me? You got any spare change?” The voice was coming from the…

Where the Subways Go Above Ground in Brooklyn

708708 views11 comment00 favs

The rocks are hot along the East RiverBelow hazy skies sent from Jersey Traffic.Pigeons peck at pieces of detritus,Walking calmly by pedestrians passingThrough the park during their allotted lunchHour. A girl with a strange frame —As if her ribs fused with her hips…

Truffle Socks

10831083 views00 comments11 fav

Imagine instead the skater's lean feat, the toes which, honestly, may represent 25% of the entire length. The superb way she slips them into the boots. They smell like truffles.


728728 views11 comment00 favs

It was the absence of small sounds he felt most. The clink of a spoon against china, a floorboard’s distant creak, the swish of that old, broken-toothed comb through her hair. A thousand tiny sounds that had proved he wasn’t alone.

Main Street

377377 views11 comment00 favs

You know when you see the flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror that you're not being pulled over because of a busted taillight or carelessly doing fifty in a thirty-five mile an hour school zone; your crime is being a Black man behind the wheel. It happens often…

Prayers and Lotteries

826826 views11 comment00 favs

“What if every cloud you saw carried a bit of hope?” she said to the window, looking out at a rolling storm. There's something peaceful about stormy weather when you're inside. Stormy weather. It almost sounds quaint. “Well?” she said,…

A Body Divided, 1

13251325 views00 comments00 favs

A Body Divided: Memoir 1 When I came back home, after coming down with polio, everything had changed for me. I'd been gone for forty-five long days and nights. But it was Halloween, a time very nearly sacred for children in the Midwest, and it broug


873873 views00 comments00 favs

He will spread peace like wet blood on a sheet.

Confessions of a Non-Believer

16361636 views11 comment11 fav

Closing my eyes, I try to breathe it all in, absorb the divine presence that is supposed to be here. Faith by osmosis. I guess it doesn’t work that way. God has to be here. Why else would these people be here? Why else would the congregation return w


11461146 views00 comments00 favs

“So, do you still think I'm hot? I mean, do you think men still find me attractive?” Jenny asks. This is never a good question to answer, much less entertain. I know this as surely as I know anything. Still, let's break it down. I am married. Jenny is…


17601760 views00 comments00 favs

But the urge now is to unknow the urgency with which I forgot my self-description.

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 6: In Which Moral Boundaries Are Set

982982 views00 comments00 favs

The first time they were separated, he rediscovered music and writing.

Mr. Bourgeois Drowns His Sorrows

862862 views00 comments00 favs

Late last night down at Jim's Saloon Everyone expected that the last balloon Would go Boom! The one they all saw coming And Lady Liberty would send the bad guys running

Semiotics For Sale

848848 views00 comments00 favs

Buy random DNA on the open market and drive a poisoned stake into the heart of darkness.