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The Echoes of Infinity

10971097 views22 comments22 favs

Marilyn turned the kayak away from the target ship, barely visible after all these years, toward the shallow waters by the shore. She recalled her father holding her hand at low tide, as she looked up at him and he told her…


849849 views22 comments22 favs

I'm gonna buy a gun.

No More Ideas

613613 views22 comments11 fav

And then, one fateful day, the world ran out of ideas. The last one was gone, floating away like a balloon full of the helium we had already squandered.

A Spark and a Flash

12271227 views44 comments11 fav

Butchie was the one who heard about the bonfire happening over on Harrison Avenue.


13581358 views11 comment11 fav

Not everybody sees Father. Not Mom, not Dad, not even my little brother, Andre, and he see lots of things. Me, I need to.

Four Quarters for a Dollar Moon

11161116 views22 comments22 favs

There's a large tunnel that runs under my house. I can only estimate but it's not deep below the ground and that's what worries me.

Sixty words or less

11151115 views44 comments00 favs

She wakes up sad. She can't shit. She spreads out the foil. no creases. folds it in half. She puts the stuff in the crease. holds a lighter under it. A zippo. then smokes it. Well smokes the smoke. It's like kissing god or the…

Bring a Book

11371137 views22 comments22 favs

It would be great if next door to every restaurant, there was a 24 hour dental surgery. Then you could sneak in and grab a few magazines to read if you’re unfortunate enough to be dining alone.

The Condescending Skies of June

970970 views22 comments22 favs

I have become a prisoner of my own fractured mind/ A paranoid weirdo behind the horizontal bars of window shades

Mississippi Blues

14021402 views22 comments11 fav

“Jus’ because a story told right don’t make it true,” he said. “Sometimes the story is there ain’t no story. Sometimes you look way down inside, and ain’t nuthin’ there. Can’t write no book ‘bout nuthin’. Won’t sell none. But them

Outside Saltillo

6969 views22 comments11 fav

A poem.

Assay the Assail

10331033 views22 comments22 favs

No one is a Puritan under all that powder!

When Will the Poetic Violence End?

956956 views44 comments11 fav

Some corners of the world seem to be consigned to an eternal hell of never-ending strife. The Middle East; Northern Ireland; the faculty lounge at Oxford University.

The Story

972972 views33 comments11 fav

He pronounced the Afrikaans word with the vowel sound like the vowel in dour. It meant box, but it also meant cunt.

Myra's Lighthouse

10411041 views22 comments22 favs

I’ve been mentally cataloging all the various ways Myra has fucked me up. I know this is a dangerous game, strapped to our seats inches apart and hurling down the road at 70 mph, but I can’t help fiddling with the fuse.

Thank God the Sixties Are Over With! Is All I'm Saying

940940 views66 comments11 fav

I am surprised that you’re not famous already. I remember sitting in your bedroom for hours just watching you while you wrote poetry. I was in awe of you, thinking you were going to be the next Dylan Thomas! Or Bob Dylan. Or Dylan Somebody! And I rememb

The Passing of Odd Fellows ---- Tales From the IV

796796 views22 comments11 fav

The appointed day came without much fanfare. The day was gloomy, but it would do. They climbed to the roof of the house to a small landing where Smiley placed the tiny piano stool smack dab in the middle. As soon as Ethan sat down Smiley rotated the chair

Clinch Park

918918 views33 comments11 fav

There was nothing on the lake but a / faint sailboat and a shadowy gull.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 8

11861186 views22 comments11 fav

He finished the omelet and started in on the short stack. He drowned the cakes in syrup. -Never can have enough syrup.

Meet Robert Grady

713713 views55 comments00 favs

Robert had chopped his hair and grown a soul patch since I'd last seen him. He was tanned, the hair on the top of his head was spiked, and some gray specks were creeping in on the hair on the side of his head. Had…

The Magic Trumpet

983983 views22 comments22 favs

I gave my trumpet case to a girl named Sophie; she liked the velvet inside.She still played with dolls;they would live there,in the dark away from the world.Safe. I was a terrible trumpeter;i missed the high notes in band, squawked like a chicken.I strapped the trumpeton my…


940940 views22 comments11 fav

How does Bandie feel about snakes? This is my thought. What good is a serpent without venom?

Rough Draft

11851185 views44 comments11 fav

fated and cruel, a person I don't love

Day Slides Like A Drop

863863 views22 comments11 fav

later still wine parties with cucumber red and rich

Messages from Upstate

10821082 views22 comments11 fav

My eyes are wide open. I look like a graphic novel. My world is black and white. I’m poorly drawn. All sounds have an exclamation point.


14111411 views88 comments00 favs

What can I say about my brother, Stroman. We are twins and we hate each other. He is an honest, brave man with scruples. He is full of bullshit. He thinks I am morally twisted. He probably has a point there, but I don’t see what that has got to do with

The Miracle

11091109 views77 comments00 favs

On the way to the drinking fountain, Elysia Martin, a third grader at St. Michael's Parochial School, heard a voice calling her name. When she turned toward the white plaster statue of the Virgin Mary that sat between twin hedges in the rose garden, she


10981098 views22 comments11 fav

Everything seems still, but it's not.

The Letter

12141214 views22 comments11 fav

I knew nothing about the letter at first. When I came in that morning and smiled and said good morning, it was a genuine smile and a heartfelt good morning. But the letter, which had arrived the previous afternoon, was already doing its corrosive work of

The Kid With the Hair

10591059 views44 comments11 fav

threads of Cocoa Krispies