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Potsdamer Strasse

13811381 views33 comments33 favs

She stared unbreakingly, confident, knowing; and talked so close to my face I felt cornered. But her voice was something, low and smooth.

yapping and laughing and living

10871087 views33 comments33 favs

I can't take it bird by bird because I have neither.


12131213 views33 comments22 favs


Meanwhile the consultant is saying

582582 views66 comments33 favs

For example a comet hits the earth and everything is on fire is the kind of changed change that can really disrupt your change management and change your journey of change into a running away.

The Faceless Girl Tells Stories

18621862 views99 comments22 favs

spreading gilded pages with a tlickt

They Don't Get to Say Everything

840840 views44 comments44 favs

The world hasn't ended. Your part in it is still on going. The going on world hasn't winked out. Every possibility is still out there. In there out there it doesn't matter where you are. The here and now claims you for its only tribe. They only want someone to tell them…

The Dead

12001200 views33 comments33 favs

When i close my eyesI see the faces of the deadI hear their voices The things they said, their laughter The ones i thought would live forever!! Something got them though: the ones who lived fastIt was a drug, some bullets, a disease I thought they would live forever!!Those…

The Ex

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In his mind, he could hear Eve’s voice, “We had some good times, didn’t we?”

The Offspring of the Hazardous

245245 views33 comments22 favs

Can you see the dark advice?The offspring of the hazardous.Plath's worst poemswere Daddy and Lady Lazarus.Would you explorethe narrowing tunnelsof such splendiferous narcissism?Would you call so passionatelyfor a much better resurrection?A myriad of livesthat rise like…

Hotel Venice and the Bohemian Blue

477477 views44 comments33 favs

“Time to check out,” I say looking at sailboats and surfers gliding on the blue Pacific from the open window of my hotel room in Venice Beach. I inhale minty incense and gaze down at a dark-skinned woman in a sombrero seated behind a cloth-covered fold

poem in ten syllables concerning ontological equivalence at the end of the modern era

588588 views66 comments33 favs

technophilia? . . .

At the Fair

11621162 views77 comments44 favs

You're on the Ferris wheel, and the wind is blowing just a little bit, and the sky is invisible behind a wash of white clouds, and your little yellow box tips when you look down, down to the fairway swinging. In the boxes below grandmothers are shrieking …

Deadly duel: Blow v. Teach

10221022 views77 comments33 favs

At last, we learn if Blow has the cojones to fight.

Cheque Republic

14201420 views77 comments33 favs

Maybe she thinks in Czech, dreams in German, pretends in English. Babylon is a beautiful place after all.

Ditching the Universe for Katy

13151315 views88 comments22 favs

I am running for only one thing now. For Katy.

Melliflua and the Fauns

19631963 views44 comments33 favs

In the land of Nebbia, the mistiest part of Etruria, it was the month of Agnosto, when anything can happen, and Melliflua was pondering what to do about the fauns.

West Side of the Tracks

11621162 views99 comments22 favs

The bus heads west on Route 36, toward the next stop – Howell, New Jersey. After driving ten minutes, and after crossing the tracks, the bus gets a flat.

Tiger Milk (Part 2)

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"...easier to get milk from a male tiger than mercy from him."

fire and ice

10711071 views88 comments33 favs

“Who says?” she purred in reply “They all do” he countered smiling , chewing on an ice cube “All of them, huh?” She leaned forward, raising a wicked left eyebrow and whispered, “And just who are they, anyway?”

A Quiet Noise

966966 views77 comments33 favs

the sun is quiet like the mountains, the birds except for their wings

The Naked Mountain

18871887 views77 comments22 favs

Once upon a time, a young writer decided to leave his home in Iowa City, and seek wisdom in the East.

Bog Crossing

994994 views66 comments33 favs

Written within five minutes, being a parody of the artless vacuity of observational 'poetry'(By Tedward Weeney and Seamus Spews) The large wind in the treetop tells the blackbird its own voice. The yellow grainyard resounds to the clodding of my farmer's…

Goodnight, Travel Well

951951 views44 comments33 favs

An excerpt.

Etienne's Voice

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And suddenly, I have this crazy impulse, so crazy and so puzzling I do not possess enough vocabulary and grammar skills to describe what is invisible and what is visible about it. The reader must excuse me and be attentive.


979979 views1010 comments22 favs

Everything I understand / is in danger.

The Road

10631063 views44 comments44 favs

we were traveling on wasn't necessarily going to go careening over any hill as fast as it was smashing into the blunt end of another cloudless hole like a cartoon cat chasing a cartoon mouse. It was huge like a stone wall that had its own…

The Bad Things

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Daddy comes home, calls us to his room, makes us stand in line, tells us to do it again...

Les Petites collines De Ma Cousine

21392139 views66 comments44 favs

Les petites collines de ma cousine Vous savez, ma mère a eu peur du fait que je ne résiste plus. Elle avait mille fois raison : Mes quatre sœurs ont toutes rendu l'âme avant que…

Velcro Shoes, a Cardboard Computer, and Other Signs of Brilliance

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It wasn't until later that I realized that any time a teacher complimented you on your use of imagination, it was because they didn't know what else to make of whatever you'd created. My homemade narrative video in lieu of the assigned “getting to know y

George Martian (psych eval)

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