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The Kid Who Knew Something

10661066 views33 comments00 favs

Shannon refused to jump from the castle drawbridge to the gigantic truck tire sunk halfway down in the playground quicksand. He just stood there-arms folded across his chest, bony knees sticking out from beneath ratty cutoffs-in silence, looking to Rollie


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The man is middle-aged, although not rich, and the girl, aside from being very young, is not exceptionally pretty. But she has recently shed twenty pounds for the express purpose of looking fabulous on…

One Sentence

840840 views00 comments00 favs

The summer we were fourteen we snuck out of our houses...

The Wind in the Woods

11911191 views00 comments00 favs

Ralph Simpson looked as though he wouldn't last through the weekend. His skin, yellowing from the cirrhosis, covered his hands tightly enough so that the veins looked like they would burst from the pressure.

My Lucky Tooth

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At that point he would leave and listen to the scientists as they debate as to why the moon has organs and why they are covered in a thick fat.

13 Halloweens

15731573 views22 comments22 favs

1. The Walking Heart Attack Man has two outfits. In the summer he dresses in a short sleeve checkered button down shirt and high waisted Bermuda shorts with sandals. In the winter he wears dark pants and loafers with a gray corduroy coat…


13831383 views44 comments00 favs

Why am I attracted to this girl? She’s beautiful. Only five foot four, but still looks skyscraper tall thanks to those skinny greyhound legs of hers. She told me she used to dance, then giggled and said she hadn’t since she was five years old.

Summerset Bangs from Oldtown

10581058 views33 comments00 favs

blackberry pie and huckleberry wine and litte Maria with her summerset bangs


14791479 views1212 comments66 favs

The tadpoles flipped on the brown mud bottom. She dipped one out and held it near, seeing it in her belly, shaping arms and feet and a small, blond head. She set it back and stood, breasts out, arms up. The ducks in the weed, eyes hard like hungry boys, waited for bread.…

The Lonely Snake

18651865 views22 comments22 favs

A solitary snake, his belly full, stretched out in the sun. His uncoiling swept sand and small rocks to the left and right. Ah, he thought, I have the power to move mountains from my path. See how the lowly earth makes way for my comfort.


870870 views00 comments00 favs

Thirty is nothing, she said, Wait till you really start to fall apart. I wanted to tell her I already have, but you can't ever say anything like that, especially not on your birthday, especially not to the woman who's just bought you spaghetti and wants


11461146 views88 comments00 favs


My baby

13501350 views1717 comments22 favs

The nightmares started in the seventh month. I have always been a deep sleeper and one of the things that comes with that facility is an inability to extricate oneself from nightmares.

And We Are Laid To Waste

11661166 views00 comments00 favs

August 14 I remember the smell of fresh air. The feeling of clean air in your lungs. I haven't had that feeling in quite some time now. I guess few people have.


13401340 views88 comments22 favs

It was so hot we walked out on our husbands. There were reasons, we supposed. They left the refrigerator doors open all day, grabbing beers when they passed by, tossing the sticky caps upon counters. They drove their Metropolitans to buy food, leaving th

The First Round

844844 views00 comments00 favs

It was mostly accidental.

In the Hamptons

31713171 views2525 comments1010 favs

Class differences in New York (and if you believe F. Scott Fitzgerald, in America, generally) are best viewed from the beach.

The Pilgrimage

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Frey wanted to see heaven without having to die. He had returned from the sea after being gone for three weeks, ranting wildly about a giant ship he had seen in the distance one afternoon.

Blind Spots

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He was twisted...


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Like gymnastics, shoplifting is a discipline of youth.

So Different Now

11471147 views22 comments00 favs

She’s right there in Thirsty’s. In her usual spot. Drinking her usual drink. Yuengling on tap. One after another. And he’s there too. Behind the bar. Pouring drinks. One after another. Sometimes they speak. But mostly she orders. He pours. And

The Men Who Forgot Math and Poetry

13571357 views22 comments11 fav

"They treat us like shit," the mathematician said. "They think they can just take us and electrocute us and drown us."


11611161 views00 comments00 favs

Alien meets nicotine

The Panda

20282028 views22 comments11 fav

“Maybe she will like Boo-Ba-Loo, the large male from America,” they said. So they shipped in Boo-Ba-Loo and put him in the pen next to Ding-a-Ling.

A Day in the Life of Mike

10391039 views33 comments11 fav

This is a very impromptu piece written at two in the morning based on a prompt from Meg Pokrass, who insisted the following words be used: fussyhairybloomingslipperyflutterdamppaleweedsyanking “Maxfuss” was his password, which was appropriate,…

Google for giggles

12861286 views33 comments11 fav

Why won’t my parakeet eat my diarrhea?

September 1969

12181218 views22 comments11 fav

Lake Berryessa, CALIFORNIA It was dusk on the 27th of September when the Stocky Man finished his work and trudged casually back across the…

The Grief Counselor

16441644 views22 comments00 favs

At first she kept repeating "I don’t know why he's doing this" as if the cops thought she was mixed up in it somehow. When they convinced her that all she needed to do was talk to her brother and tell him to give himself up, she looked hopeless.

Aguilas Range

11981198 views88 comments44 favs

When I was thirteen and still lived in the desert I saw a ghost woman at the top of a dry waterfall in the foothills.


16091609 views99 comments44 favs

I hate walking into restaurants and cafes by myself to meet someone. I always feel awkward, as if no one will claim me. I'm hanging on the threshold now for an agonizing few moments scanning the room until I see my friend.“Hi!” she says, waving her cup at…