We gave our cigarettes names.
“This is what we'll do. We'll bury him so his body will never be found. How? That's the question.” Bob made another short, narrow lap around the trailer's living room slash kitchenette while unwrapping his sixth stick of Big Red gum and jamming it into his mouth…
Most everything is white because white means clean and hospitals are supposed to be clean. They wouldn’t let me leave.
Michael shifted impatiently as his mom steadied the gyrocycle above the parking space. A rather blank, empty smile came over her face, and Michael understood. The Proctors were everywhere and where they weren’t, there was always a Neighbor who would be h
"Sorry, I need to confirm the results." Sal turned to Paul. "Is it true that you got stood up?"
I can’t move - I try to move my arms - I try to move my legs - If I can scream then that will wake me up - I scream
in making your sad blown apart hearts rise up and squeeze out the kindness juices ever so sweetly anymore. Tried that. Didn't work out too well, not for me, wasn't a BIG time of waste, but did eat up some important wee…
The windows aren't open because they are closed for winter, but Cha doesn't care. She stares through them while I stare at her.
I really need to go to the bathroom.
Saul Lies, 33 and uneager to lift his head off of the hair grease stained pillowcase that absorbed his mental anguish most nights, stayed in bed past noon
The irony is that Smart's work of self-abnegation has surpassed that of her erotic master; George Barker is largely forgotten now, while the reputation of Smart's one work of genius seems secure.
The months leading up to that night were unbearable. It was as if a debt loomed over us begging to be paid. We both knew I would find you dangling at the end of a rope, it was only a matter of when.
While serving in government, she plotted to change it.
The church pews were straining at the crowds who had come to see David get saved. There was no salvation in the water really, but the Baptists preached the gospel of immersion. There was a certain Baptist church in Kentucky that pressured a man who'd been sprinkled to get…
When the phone rings that late at night, it’s not good.
My dad was in a barber training school
where they cut off the tip of a bum's ear
and taped it back on with scotch tape
He gets her voicemail.
Maureen calls back.
“Where are you, Tom? I hear cars.”
Where is he? Here he is. Cars, yes, and sidewalk, stores, faces topping bodies. Night again. A bad place. He sees a park – an empty set of swings and troughs of
Believe me, I would run if I could, but there seems to be a low haze of molasses clinging to my ankles.
“Tell me a story,” he said, toying with his top hat, running his fingers along its brim.
Love is music
timed in heartbeat
move to rhythms ages old
Can we ever truly know reality? I don’t think so. But fly in comfort my friend. Lean back and enjoy the thrust of those engines.
“Sandy likes the way Bob spanks, when he’s done she gives him thanks."
In a field of barley, I see you, ...
So, have your whiskey like a good son.
The promise of free food and drink was too much to pass up since I hadn't played a gig in months and was living on peanut butter and celery. When Kelly called I was too hungry and thirsty for drink to turn him down.
For my Dad
Happy Father's Day!
Deyrolle, established by the granddaughter of Jean–Babtiste Deyrolle, to house his scientific debris became a Paris fixture. A museum masquerading as a store and when casually mentioned in HG or when it was discovered that David Sedaris was an aficionado
‘So what exactly did you decide?'It was two years later that Sato-san put the question to me. The two of us had been hiding for two bloody years, moving about in the marshes along the river, living off small, skimpy meals. We couldn't turn back to our unit, because Cesaru…