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The Tertiary Stage (he probably thinks this poem is about him)

361361 views88 comments55 favs

They say his irrational outbursts and insane rantsare the results of untreated syphilis. Well, thatmakes perfect sense to me. I've always thoughtof him as a tessellated spirochete, a narcissistic chancre,festering pustule of a blistered imposthume. And whywouldn't a…

Spaghetti Woman

360360 views3939 comments2020 favs

She was fast as the wind and lived on air, her clothes a size 0000.

The Seagulls of Sauchiehall Street

359359 views1818 comments1616 favs



355355 views66 comments33 favs

night sounds

Everything that's ever been said about clouds

354354 views44 comments33 favs

Is not enough. There are not enoughwords enoughsighsto describe a cloud. Not enough similes,not enough metaphors.The thesauruscoughed upa feather.And what if a cloud were to beslowly moving over me on a rainy daylike a puff…

Three Little Ditties from a Twenty First Century Feminist!

354354 views55 comments22 favs

I Am My VoiceRegimes may throb and dreams may smoke but my sisters' thoughts they'll not revoke. Through rock that quivers, through concrete stream, our reds and yellows, they'll dazzle and teem. My womanliness need not be feminine not that the feminine…

All Of These Eyes.....

352352 views1313 comments55 favs


Cabinet of Particulars

350350 views1010 comments77 favs

incoming made of dust

Flesh Alive

349349 views22 comments11 fav

Rise up, carcass—march! / Naught is new beneath the jaundiced sun: / last of the last of Louis' gold, / light is sliced through clean / beneath flecks and films of time.

Wayward Souls

348348 views1212 comments1111 favs

Based on length it looked like a note, lacking the deeper illustration found in full-fledged letters, but also missing were condolences and considering the subject, such sympathies might have seemed appropriate: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Madison, Katie is

Prophet with a Portable Outhouse

348348 views1010 comments66 favs

Prophet with a portable outhouse sees into the excrement the dogma of the pussies and the wussies and the wieners and the healers. Prophet with a portable outhouse looks out beyond the living rooms of the wretched and the forsaken hairy chests and the shaved …


348348 views1818 comments1111 favs


All About You

345345 views77 comments33 favs

Sometimes you want to strike out at me. What is stopping you? There is no stopping you. You know I will not retaliate. Gone is all that I will be to you then.

Real Time

344344 views1414 comments55 favs

November days

The Mother Fucker Is Finally Dead

343343 views55 comments55 favs

Sunflower season is the same here as it is in Tuscany. Every mid Julythey start to bloom. Sometimes onmy birthday. The seeds start to sproutas soon as the snow melts intothe rich soil of the midwest.China grows their soy not too far from my house which…

Past Forward

343343 views88 comments66 favs

Shivers of desire, bristles of knowing

Smooth Criminal

343343 views44 comments22 favs

In an early scene in Marvel's 2015 movie Ant-Man, the film's protagonist, Scott Lang, a convicted felon and former burglar, is summoned to his boss Dale's office at Baskin-Robbins."Three years at San Quentin, huh?" says Dale."You found out," Scott replies."Baskin-Robbins…

The Hair and The Whore

342342 views2828 comments1818 favs

Every time they said Gloria I turned around but of course they meant Gloria Steinem.

Here, You Are Alive

341341 views33 comments22 favs

He doesn't tell her that he is married, and that his five year old daughter who is living at your house has a mother back in that same city

We Poor Splendid to Look On

340340 views55 comments33 favs

Leave us to hide our sundials in our caves— / discard our scrolls that guide no more, / to time our nights to learn if we can grieve / —we’ve too much noise or less than we can hear . . .


338338 views5353 comments2222 favs

Assholes are assholes who do asshole things.

a face made of glass

337337 views1111 comments77 favs


Dead Kennedys

335335 views1313 comments55 favs

Death is both alien and intimate to us; neither wholly strange nor purely one's own.

Harmony in D Major

334334 views55 comments22 favs

What shattering tranquility! Such a devastating hush! The flora in its element, the sky a flaccid red. Dreaming just a little, more or less awake, the people shift, capitulate, move like animated trees, dropping their leaves on pathways, on subtle …

Lovely Gilded Scars

333333 views44 comments55 favs


Circus Metamorphosis

333333 views88 comments55 favs

Such pretty dogma, a voice in sleepstutters a wakefulness, clings to the Gothiclike a warrior clings to war.You wear the gown of impossibility.Before unfinished works of suns,perpetual irises, wonderful, mad,armed with such superlativesI heap praise upon your pineal…

We Shall Not Go Unheard

333333 views33 comments22 favs

I am human, I am no piece of meat.I am (womb)an.I stand on my own two feet.I move my own arms and legs.I do not scramble eggsnor do I wait for the telephone to ringfrom possibly potential datesdesperate for my affections,none of them remotely worthy.Independent am I. …

City Fragment Thru A Fractured Lens

332332 views22 comments11 fav

I Tinseled nebulae scatter, couples dance the dance of meridians, as seekers of that dream that does not seek; but so are we, but sense everything shall become antique, that the tragic is everything. Reverent this loneliness. Giving…

The Woman Down the Hall

331331 views99 comments66 favs

I remember years ago my mother saying to me, don’t get involved with the woman down the hall. She didn’t even know this particular woman; it was just a general pronunciation, that somehow being female and living down the hall meant bad things.

Blonde Woman with Sunglasses

331331 views22 comments11 fav

Sometimes everything becomes as meaningless as a blonde woman with sunglasses. Still, there is something reassuring about the blonde woman with sunglasses, as she sits there alien to any regime, while I build my new empire of vanilla ice cream, so…