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Sparkler [Trashcan Flash]

774774 views00 comments00 favs

I picked story starts out of a trashcan and compiled this thing.

Dubious Appetite

774774 views77 comments77 favs

Looking back now, examining from a distance the sequence of events I failed to connect as anything beyond queer happenstance...

Sunday Morning Series- One: What I Learned in Sunday School

774774 views1313 comments66 favs

I learned He was a Schmuck when, on/ the mountaintop, with Abraham,/ I waited on His call: one Isaac, neat.

Love Letter From a Content Writer

774774 views00 comments00 favs

This was supposed to be a love letter written by a content writer, then it just got weird.

Sinning and Sinning and Sinning

774774 views33 comments11 fav

Then I learned she was revealing all our sexcapades to this young priest. Forgive me, father, I have sinned. We had sex outdoors against a tree in Wisconsin and the tree was blending with our act and becoming one with my back rubbing up against the bark

Love Makes the Boundaries Disappear

774774 views22 comments11 fav

She was asked: “What would it mean to be in a great earthquake to you?” She said: “It would mean that I might never see him again.” Then she panicked. She came to me and said: “Do you mind riding in the other car? I have to ride in the same car wi

the musk and the drama

774774 views44 comments11 fav

Shame must search the soul, broken, original, with its primitive juices stirred. Moved until now only by the musk, only the stroll you lived with, the worry, the sorrow, the drama – may I never conceal or recover from it! Yes, I might beg or steal the

Mountain godfather

774774 views77 comments55 favs

“Look them straight in the eye, keep your mouth shut unless spoken to, and make no sudden moves.”

Paradise Within

774774 views00 comments00 favs

On the back porch of the world, the sun kisses my laughter, Giving me the silent strength to separate before from the after. Misunderstood soil shyly strikes up a conversation. And I engage my soul, lost in aimless contemplation. …


773773 views00 comments00 favs

Weeds, schist, an Artesian well: élan in a heavenly forge. Sniffling goats, a mossy cairn. A portal divides the void. There is a human hand here below the crumbling parapet. The crotch of time A bridge between…

another distance

773773 views44 comments44 favs

only after you slipped away entirely

The beginning of the end

773773 views00 comments00 favs

(...) I know my eyes are shut and I’m on the kitchen floor but I see her and I’m not confused. (...)


773773 views00 comments00 favs

There are several people I do not care for much at all—annoying cretins, blasé philistines, or godawful narcissuses—and I do not care much for caring about such people when I encounter them, which unfortunately happens quite often like some cruel lottery where I…

sirenia sirenia

773773 views11 comment00 favs

He leans back in the desk chair in his home office. He clicks on “Inbox” in his Gmail. He spins around in his chair. He clicks on “Inbox” again. As he spins again, he realizes how silly it is to keep clicking “Inbox” when Gmail…

song of the love atheist

773773 views11 comment11 fav

"chemical", love is/as long as saccharine is/served in coffees sweet . . .

Quay 19

773773 views22 comments00 favs

Through by the sands and the rocks we were going and the lake liquid had tumbled the stones by the thousands so that while the water was still we could see agates and yellow jaspers and other or even the odd and misspent piece of rounded glass green or white safe…

Five Million Yen: Chapter 19

772772 views00 comments00 favs

The vibrations gave her a real charge. It works dressed or undressed.

Second Hand

772772 views00 comments00 favs

“Okay, here is a wild idea. Let's each choose outfits from the second hand store for the other to buy and wear to a bar for a drink..." Famous second to last words?

learning to unread

772772 views00 comments00 favs

what happens to literature's characters when their readers traverse the veil?

The Window

772772 views33 comments00 favs

Out the window, the butterflyhad escaped,beyond my perception and maybe into someone else's.The little boy with the kite stared back,wound his string,and ended his afternoon.

Revolutions in the Sphere of Libidinal Economy

772772 views00 comments00 favs

He was unsure if it was Marxist fervor or some sort of erotic drive, an awry libidinal economy, after years of stasis and depression now experiencing stimulation; but he had this rule that when faced with an attractive man and a choice between yes and no,

Story of the Once Magnificent Big Ole, Shaggy Tree's Awful Demise

772772 views44 comments44 favs

The world is beginning to lose what little hair it has left. Follicles litter the streets and scrape along merrily in the wind like one last turn of the world defying knob of being and knowing. But the thing I want to say here is how beautiful…

First Thought

772772 views22 comments00 favs

She awakened and thought at first that the noise coming from the basement was an intruder, that someone was down there and might cause her harm. Then she remembered that the furnace had been erratic lately and had made some strange noises. She drifted off…

Enè Ioh

771771 views00 comments00 favs

Hello, I am Enè Ioh, I have come to to tell you a story that takes place within the place. I start at the place; I go to the place. Here we are, at the place. I am now at the place. I know what I say is of no consequence and I will be killed for it. It means so…

you see?

771771 views33 comments22 favs

The river is there inside, the liquid living inside like light, moving rapidly over unknown rocks, approaching, and intimate. As if the source of all is inside me. Someone, anyone, says the word “available” from 3 tables away, as if it’s the only word o


771771 views1313 comments99 favs

pain and anger


771771 views00 comments00 favs

Love is music timed in heartbeat move to rhythms ages old


771771 views44 comments44 favs

Sharpen your nails.

The World’s Food Shortage Problem is Solved with My Insect-Enlargement Gun!

771771 views44 comments11 fav

People of Earth, a better tomorrow has come. I’m near bursting with pleasure to report that the global community needn’t worry any longer about food shortages and famine and the like. Why? My patented insect-enlargement gun!

Orpheus and Eurydice

771771 views00 comments00 favs

This is hell amongst the bloom and grow. Spring's warmth is cruel, a feast of unrestraint...