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Skins of my past

789789 views33 comments11 fav

The past follows, battered, bruised, always behind

Stimulating the Dead

789789 views44 comments11 fav

“So–you can get a stimulus check even if you’re dead?” I asked. “hell man–in chicago you can vote if you’re dead. i’ve tried to stay active politically.”

Remotary Publics Bring Stamps, Seals to Those in Distress

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Remote notary publics, or "remotaries" for short, are finding themselves increasingly busy as hikers and climbers seek help by cell phone or personal digital assistants from mountain peaks and white-water rafting trips.

The Imbecilic Utterances (or Why is every man's burden the heaviest?)

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"Come into my face." said Duras famously as she neared death. This is very beautiful. If one takes Duras to speak of something akin to the 'face' as given us by Levinas, and we may display this face here as something like an Husserlian universal…

Black Wheat, 7

789789 views11 comment00 favs

They use people then throw them away They are after the image There is a desperation in (it) They behave as if they must have it It must be a drug to them Are they that able? . . . They bring it over here and then all they want is im

Night Flight

789789 views22 comments11 fav

He didn’t even have the energy to tell me to tie her up when he got home.

Arcana Magi Zero Arc 3 - c.1

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Kenichi the boar arrived from the forest with the other elders. The police officers stepped back, awed by these large nature creatures.

End of an Astronomer

788788 views33 comments22 favs

What She Left

788788 views00 comments00 favs

I'm on Cloud 9.

Old Soul

788788 views55 comments55 favs

She’s an old soul who was scattered to the winds like a thousand butterflies and a moth She has no center and flits from event to event and can’t miss out on a thing, because crikey, what if she missed something important? And the m


788788 views00 comments00 favs

TimeDoesnt existWe're told it existThe sun rises and fallAnd people exist for the eight Hour dayBut time does not existHuman beings put TIME in their lives To give it order Most people always seem to be looking for order!!Amidst the chaosIt goes very fast for someVery slow…

The Open Window

788788 views00 comments00 favs

I drove around the city that evening, beyond lonely. What was I to do? My friends were gone! I hit the nearest bar and ordered myself a strong drink of concentrated Oros. The barman was a tad gobsmacked, but he saw the dismay in my eyes. After filling him

Ode to a Shopping Mall

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In 1609 Ben Jonson was hired to write a work in celebration of the opening of a new shopping mall.

Event Particle (6)

788788 views33 comments00 favs

...something is pulsing in the shovel against the window and its pompadour of snow.

In the Beginning...

788788 views22 comments33 favs

In the beginning there was salt. God licked the salt and said it was Good. Then there was light. And then chocolate.

Cut His Finger Playing Air Guitar

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How long to make something pretty?

Art Survives

788788 views66 comments55 favs

Forget the salt erasure of Carthage,/ all the Meso-American artifacts/ smelted to float the Armada

The United States Of Ammunition

787787 views33 comments33 favs

I check the NPR news app. The story about the shooting in Pittsburg has already been pushed off the homepage. There is an article about yellow fever in the 14th century, a potential ceasefire in Yemen, players protesting the national anthem, a plane crash

the return of Ulysses

787787 views22 comments00 favs

Then you came home from your travels and stole her, your new queen, though she was ready. And raped my heart as you entered the new passage to heaven. And I cried out your name on the river, and swam in the warm waters behind you, naming your new name a

Night Worlds and the Tropical Hope Bird

787787 views00 comments00 favs

In the nights there was a sense of surrounding trouble, a trouble that had no name, but waited there and sometimes it seemed to whisper strange thoughts from the curtains and other times it waited in silence by the closets and corners. It never quite…

Ares Considers a Career Change

787787 views77 comments66 favs

Barbarians and savages wore feathers/ or frightful face paint or skin tones// one could recognize and aim for/ with weapons one could feel


787787 views55 comments22 favs

“I’ve gotta take a break from this,” Hector said. “I’m not feeling inspired right now. I’ve added about a thousand words. Why don’t you look it over and put your changes in?” “I can do that,” said Martin. “Impressive! That brings us up to nearly sevent

Beside the Swing Set

787787 views44 comments00 favs

Julie had a thousand freckles the color of mud.

Metro Blues.

787787 views00 comments00 favs

She had no eyes that I could see. Just a pair of lips; they looked soft


787787 views99 comments88 favs

What will become/ of the resource-sucking poor

Testament Part 2 of 6

787787 views11 comment33 favs

One must learn to give the Bull the things/ it needs: space, grass and grain, his mates/ and offspring, and elude the things/ its momentary fury wants- your death

Calm and Level

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The funeral grounds look level and calm. We leave the urban world behind for an instant. The other world has claimed someone. But we are in limbo. It is a terrible thing when a connection or breakthrough moment is not achieved or granted by the universe. …

Relationship Status

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I would use your towel,

Cattle Crossing

787787 views77 comments55 favs

"You wantin' one of them kittens? If we can't give 'em away we're gonna drown 'em. We got too many."

Five Million Yen: Chapter 62

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She was wearing a robe, but her hip movement sent an ancient message.