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826826 views88 comments66 favs

you stand ashore

Five Million Yen: Chapter 44

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He found a small place on a side street, Bar Oiseaux Ésotérique. There was a sign on the door that read: Jazz Ce Soir: Giovanni Lezardino: Jazz grillé et sautés. Ben had met Lezardino at the Newport Jazz Festival last year.

Breath for Nick Cage

826826 views44 comments55 favs

But El Roy Never listen no so

Fall Guy

826826 views44 comments44 favs

Friends of the bride feeling out of place like a church key at a wedding

The Memory

826826 views1414 comments88 favs

The old lady is losing her memory. She forgets people's names yet so familiar to her. A little sheepish, she takes her basket and walks to the village. Just like when her legs were young, suntanned, shapely and attractive. Along the footpath, by the shop windows, over the…

Vanity Among Pigeons

826826 views33 comments22 favs

About four in the afternoon a pigeon began admiring itself in the shiny panel of a car door until another pigeon came along and it quit acting foolish.

Not Death but Decrepitude

826826 views1919 comments99 favs

A bedridden ward of the state,/ warehoused in a nursing home,/ unable to drive to the liquor store/ for whiskey and cigarettes,

one and two

826826 views00 comments00 favs

tragically / once upon a time / two people / far away / ...

Horror pt. 1

825825 views00 comments00 favs

Dust and blood and disgust


825825 views22 comments00 favs

but isn't that the case in most long-term, committed relationships?


825825 views44 comments44 favs

coast to coast

This Bud’s For You

825825 views55 comments44 favs

I suspect I’ll make the right decision.


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These were strange realizations, and each built upon the one before until I was completely mystified and unsettled in my life.

happy hour

825825 views55 comments00 favs

I remember seeing five young losers standing outside this bar, smoking cigarettes in their baggy shorts and flip-flops, giving the occasional high-fives. They weren’t even eating their calzone, and I was getting upset about it. (I hadn’t eaten the whole


825825 views22 comments00 favs

With a sigh she rubbed her face into wakefulness, and then sucked two fingers, thinking of melted cheese.

What I Do

824824 views33 comments11 fav

I display feelings of great witness and clasp the rails and try not to fall. I try to fit the social rhythms of the garden party. I do not succeed. I pack my bags and go.

Dark Matter

824824 views1414 comments55 favs

The darkness isn’t evil but invisible/ in the otherwise excellent light of day

American Soul

824824 views22 comments11 fav

At one time it appeared that Everyone was walking their own angel On a leash, but Now we're not that sure at all And it could come out in song That it might really be the angels Who’ve been walking us All along All this broken glass

Otherwise Chaos

824824 views44 comments44 favs

“It’s okay” Her psychic from Santa Fe Said on the speaker phone: "live and love and create otherwise chaos"

The Note

824824 views3131 comments1818 favs

... “All power is just behind your belly. Look. Knot of belt – just in front of navel – navel is eye of chi.” ...


824824 views00 comments00 favs

The windows aren't open because they are closed for winter, but Cha doesn't care. She stares through them while I stare at her.

Cider Spake, BÄÄ!

824824 views11 comment11 fav

no matter how many drunks I spoke to, no matter how many strangers I tried my new theories on, no matter how many of my, currently distant friends I out-witted and educated with my revelatory nuggets of wisdom, I still see no sign of impact on the evening

Biblos Melas

824824 views00 comments00 favs

While laying in his hospital bed recovering from a minor heart attack, Professor Martin Hellman reads details of an ancient book he has been given for translation--Biblos Melas, or, the "Black Book." Excerpted from the forthcoming novel "Minion Web."

Floozy Walks Into a Bar

824824 views22 comments11 fav

Floozy Walks Into a Bar Toting a handbag the size of a small suitcase Because you never know Floozy Walks Into a Bar Dragging her reputation behind her And everyone looks behind her too Floozy Walks Into a Bar To test the temperature of


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As Susan drove the last stretch home, she couldn't help but press the accelerator a bit deeper than usual. Her car zipped passed the neighborhood houses, which were of mostly brick construction, with two car garages and freshly mulched islands of spring flowers.…

The Choice

824824 views22 comments22 favs

The bull had flesh of a deep red that turned black where the massive muscles knotted. Colt thought of the way blood turns black when it pools too deep. There was nothing but muscle, an intricate network of coarse fibers woven tightly and wrapped in a thin


824824 views44 comments33 favs

I don’t know where I am. It is summertime, at dusk; the dying sun and the newborn moon are low on opposite horizons.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 29

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The funk of wet wool, stinky feet, reeking armpits, stale beer and fried food created a bohemian fetor.


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Trenches coated with man-gruel laced the earth.


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“Pull out, pull out, you dimwit!” Cheryl B told Andy. “I told you to pull out before you came, if you ever expect to climb up on top of me again! God, Andy, what’s wrong with you?” Cheryl had flaming red hair and was what we now call “Plu