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Five Million Yen: Chapter 28

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Ben watched Monique disappear into the first-class cabin. It didn’t seem likely that he would see her again after this flight.

The Day of the Dust Devils

866866 views22 comments11 fav

The main street has turned into the lowland of dust devils, with the red sun scorching, continuing to serve the living like a giant blood pentacle.It looks like a heathen ritual invoking an ugly looking God with wings or horns, but beneath the whirlwind of rising…

What's a Horse without a Loofah?

866866 views22 comments11 fav

A horse is a horse Of course, of course Unless it's a horse Without a Loofah You better look into the mirror Check the picture window too I may not be the only one Who's broken Don't it take a little more When I'm not with you? Don

They Don't Get to Say Everything

866866 views44 comments44 favs

The world hasn't ended. Your part in it is still on going. The going on world hasn't winked out. Every possibility is still out there. In there out there it doesn't matter where you are. The here and now claims you for its only tribe. They only want someone to tell them…

Samantha’s Note to Her Husband

866866 views33 comments33 favs

By February, I had decided, That you'd tear out my throat every morning if it meant your favorite song would play from my neck.

I Like the Celebration

866866 views11 comment11 fav

But please, don't let me fall into any more smaller pieces than I already have, before I get to kiss someone again and really mean It. I'm pretty sure I've always believed in something more positive than just hate. I've …

Night Terror

866866 views22 comments11 fav

A door in the hallway, with 30E in brass letters glinting dully on its polished surface, lying sideways on the floor like a beacon.

five shards of the ancient and the antique

866866 views88 comments66 favs

“Outis of Utopia” my found name! / I'll inscribe it soon as the tide goes out.

A Question for the Gods

866866 views00 comments00 favs

She reached out her arms and spoke to the moon, "I ran from my fears, from loving too soon." She gazed at the heavens and cried to the stars, "I could not promise him all of my heart." She wiped away her tears and laughed at the trees, "Not a soul on this earth would…


866866 views22 comments22 favs

I'm gonna buy a gun.

When Do We Breathe?

866866 views11 comment00 favs

You deserve air.

And then we

865865 views33 comments22 favs

Two movies with a cartoon in between. That's how it worked when I was a kid. For a buck, or less, I suppose, no, scratch that, it musta been less than a buck. Heck, it couldn't ‘a cost that much because I had to scrounge pop bottles to even get to the movies. Three…

When the Snow Geese Fly

865865 views33 comments33 favs

When the snow geese fly to the warming marshes,when the ice melts on the pond in the wood,when the sweet breath of fresh-mown haylofts over us and settles on the fields,I will remember you have been a blessing,a quiet steady forceWe will sit at the kitchen table and…

a random thought

865865 views00 comments00 favs

They shake, shake, while mouths say the words.

Island Numbers

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an island hidden in the sound holds treasure

He'd Risen Up

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“Where did this come from?” Greenblatt snapped as he pulled a pamphlet from his coat pocket with the words “Jews for Jesus” on it.

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 1

865865 views22 comments22 favs

Defenestration - the act of throwing someone out of a window. I went to Prague recently to visit my family’s castle, which is called Krivoklat. I’m not even going to attempt to explain to you how to pronounce that. It’s outside Prague, about an hour t


865865 views00 comments00 favs

1A voice scratches her ear: Come here, petal.Later: …

The Study of Professor Herbert Hand

865865 views00 comments00 favs

They say he started the study on February 26, 20—. Ever since that day, no one has seen or heard from him.


865865 views00 comments00 favs

We’re on the phone dead battery & I want this to last forever. The last thing I want to do is make decisions.


865865 views22 comments11 fav

I know what that coast was like, where you went. A coarse country filled with malodorous women that sang from the shores. Groups of nine stripped to the waist. Some with braids hanging down their back. Garden beauties. Visual porticos, with their floral

Injuries Few in Annual "Running of the Cats"

865865 views11 comment11 fav

"We improvised to show our Spanish compadres that we meant them no disrespect, and the running of the cats was born."

Lester Young, Grand Daddy of Cool

865865 views22 comments11 fav

Young is credited with the first use of “cool” as a expression of approval, and he embodied the concept in his life and in his playing. His only problem was he was born too soon, in 1909.

Parable of the Parabola

864864 views11 comment11 fav

I held the steam and scrubbed it. How do you do that? asked Willy. How do you scrub steam? It is so, you know, diaphanous. I said to Willy, because Willy was a good man and listened with both ears, we adapt to the heart's convulsions. I send my grammar to a…

a confession

864864 views00 comments00 favs

a pit-bull or a rottweiler or something like that

Nothing But Neat at the NBA All-Star Game

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“I’m sure he meant no disrespect,” LeBron said, playing the peacemaker. “For example, I used to be ‘The Chosen One’ but I changed my nickname to ‘Chip’. Like it?”

The Oxymoronic Life of a Nearly Dead Woman

864864 views1212 comments66 favs

I could have a minor stroke.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 11

864864 views22 comments11 fav

Michiko never telephoned Frank from Washington or Chicago.

the swan gliding before death

864864 views22 comments00 favs

When you awaken on the other side, you will see, I was like the swan gliding before death, and the animating power of her is willing and unavoidable. And you are itching, feeling an inextinguishable sexual desire, its nightmare ink burnt in your head, n

2 Poems featuring A Century of Art

864864 views66 comments55 favs

"MAN S FEET HAVE GROWN/SO BIG THAT HE/FORGETS HIS LITTLENESS"--DON MARQUISA Century of Art Everything in this chummy little place talks to your face without stopping to look and see who you really are, turns into fruits and grains, finally filling the room with…