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978978 views00 comments11 fav

Gamo knows the Master doesn't make idle requests and orders the secret issue of weapons to the student priests, who now stand gathered at Kang's back. Swords, spears and shields are quietly handled and hidden from the Mantidean's view. Dr. Kang continues


818818 views00 comments11 fav

His long black lashes stir, flutter a wink. His eyes catch yours through the dark reflection of your face, illuminated from beneath by wavering candlelight. Reflection obscures his features; they become yours.

A Hug from Rumpelbitchkin

851851 views00 comments00 favs

She shifts in her armchair, shadowed beneath the dark pitched roof, gently replaces her chipped white china teacup in its saucer. It's started again. It's how they go, their whisperings, egging younger children to climb the steps to her attic apartment, a

The New Main Stream

10121012 views00 comments00 favs

An hour later, we're no closer to the tunnel. In our rental car, we're just two in a school of a thousand fish skimming the edge of the island. Go with the flow, we keep saying to each other. We're just going with the flow. …


11421142 views00 comments00 favs

A baseball bat a large pipe a hammer and axe

Lion's Breath

915915 views00 comments00 favs

Lyrics, rap, spoken word, poetryActivating this and thatCorner of my mind, flippingSwitches, turning onLights, opening windowsPushing stale air from a parking garage.An intimation, or implicationOf fresh air comingBehind, chasing oldDead things ahead of it.The way the…

How You Gonna Keep Him Down On The Farm?

541541 views00 comments00 favs

He decided to avoid startling her from the rear, which he recalled vaguely was a good strategy with any female.

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.3 - c.3

11441144 views00 comments00 favs

Sora collapsed on the wall to Azure’s squeals. She felt her arm lifted up and placed around Azure’s shoulder.

Small Talk

689689 views00 comments00 favs

Popping in to buy a tire gauge. Stumbling, drunk, on your way to buy cigarettes with two cops coming in behind you. You hold the door.

a conundrum

9494 views00 comments00 favs

Before today, nobody's called me honey since 1982 when I was arriving from a job interview and as I was getting out a yellow taxi in Anchorage, the landlord, a lady in her fifties with her hair up in a bun and native to the Midwest came to greet me and as she helped me out…

Bicycle Boys

22572257 views00 comments22 favs

They would ride with a mechanic synchronicity, like schools of robotic fish, and appear and disappear suddenly, never still, never trapped in traffic snarls, always finding a way through the gridlocks and the side streets.

Magnificent Pigs

18151815 views00 comments11 fav

I retrieved the book from the middle of the room and set it in front of her. "Look," I said. "If we open the book up again at the beginning, Charlotte's alive. She'll always be alive in the book."

Early One Morning at Denny's

10581058 views00 comments00 favs

Throughout breakfast Quebec kept watching this investor fellow, John Lytle. She tried remembering something about him, about when they'd first met. Her first impressions were very nearly always correct. But all she could bring to memory now was that it


992992 views00 comments00 favs

I catch a glimpse of myself in the small mirror on the adjacent wall and find myself becoming shy at my own reflection, which is ludicrous in theory, shying away from oneself, but as I lock onto the few freckles I have spread neatly on both cheeks...

Camden Place

882882 views00 comments00 favs

A brown snake coils and nests around purple plums on his lap. I am thrilled he isn’t dead.

"The Game Is Rigged" (A 2nd Letter From Uncle Bernie)

863863 views00 comments00 favs

We used to have a saying: steal an old lady’s pocketbook and you’ll go to jail, steal her pension and you’ll go to the Ritz.

The Anchorman

953953 views00 comments00 favs

Welcome back to our ongoing coverage of what we mean when we say "Tsunami: A Very Bad Thing."

The Games We Play

10461046 views00 comments00 favs

During the hangover, I crawl to my desktop computer and then Google “rapid STI testing” and “speedy divorce”

77 Words About Nothing (4.05.2012)

962962 views00 comments00 favs

I sold my ego to pay a parking ticket. And then I wrote 77 words about mental health.

The Old Man (The End)

786786 views00 comments00 favs

The dark staircase creaked as he crept down to the basement. The even whoosh-whoosh of the washing machine was comforting to him. He reached for the light as he entered the room. A dim bulb blinked on above him. There was a small table across the room f

Silver Moon Glimmer

12121212 views00 comments00 favs

I walked around the mountains and the gravel roads that once were my home. The rain made tiny rivers in the clay that ran hard and fast, and I splashed in them until my feet were saturated and my hair was stuck to my face and in my mouth salty and I cried

Commander of the Armies of the Four Winds

917917 views00 comments00 favs

"Commander of the Armies of the Four Winds" concerns a nightmare endured by Commander Daniel Bennett of the San Diego Police Department after he is assigned to recover the stolen Necromancer Artifact, which purports to invoke nefarious spirits imprisoned

What's in a Name?

17481748 views00 comments00 favs


icing on the cake

755755 views00 comments00 favs

The sexuality comes over us in waves. We need to hold things, someone. The women, the men, side by side, our features blending together. We notice the small curved lines at the corners of the mouth. We notice everything. And the animal is still inside m

The Watcher

854854 views00 comments00 favs

the dark brown cloaked warden stands on his lofty perch

Carnival Beach

10701070 views00 comments11 fav

Galloping people, tangled in ballets of hot love, weaving in and out, making a canvas of it.

A Blowhard Drops By

10821082 views00 comments11 fav

So, I say, what is the answer? The answer to what? You know. The song by Bob Dylan. The answer is blowing in the wind. You’re the wind. So what’s the answer?

Poppy Seeds

820820 views00 comments00 favs

It might have had something to do with the boy’s pet hog, which was hulking, ageless, and liked eating poppy seed muffins

War Story: Veteran of a foreign war

858858 views00 comments00 favs

"Did you see any action?" I ask, hoping for a story. He points to a scar ripping through the chevron on his left arm but says nothing.

Eloise, Zander, and Me

668668 views00 comments00 favs

When I decided to travel the world, the first thing I did was leave my malice behind.