1356 1 1
You know moments like these. You know how your mother ruins them.
1110 3 1
The poppers, the Viagra, the chorizo – all had been ordered and all had arrived.
806 11 10
Because of her I got there early, and like I figured, the train was late.
1078 16 12
ARROGANT MAGNOLIA, the first to open all, poised ten feet above our fuss. …
2231 3 4
In some parts of town, people are not allowed to grow vegetables because of the plutonium used in the Lab. Three local parks were recently found to be contaminated.
1777 9 7
Poetry is my rebellion/
against being what I’m not.
1489 0 0
A human cop and a cyborg detective team up to solve a case. A sci-fi-pulp-noir-detective story.
1040 8 5
The model takes off her clothes and poses nude for our class. We draw her likeness on paper.
944 5 5
the mysteries and the dark/
it illuminates and shapes
996 1 1
Our revolutionaries
Have evolved into gamekeepers
828 1 1
“You want me to come out there and repossess that froofy coffee you’re drinking?” he snaps, sending Corrallo up the steps and onto the street to lick his wounds.
857 6 5
Forget the salt erasure of Carthage,/
all the Meso-American artifacts/
smelted to float the Armada
648 2 0
She must fuck like a marmot
That’s all I can say, if he already turned his back
On the Statue of Puberty
To get near to her
What do you think it means?
He joins the hierarchy
Where they sit
On the steps of life
And she passes the healing
1403 0 0
If you want job security on this planet, you'd better study art.
2076 2 7
which consisted of me being shoved down a flight of stairs. Thanks to a PELL grant in 1996, I was triumphantly run-over by a family Winnebago in the critically acclaimed, Run-Over. This lead to a series of “happenings” I conducted in alternative space
1194 15 7
Mark Reep is a faded Polaroid oracle taped to the only unbroken window of an abandoned house in Ithaca NY.
1125 9 7
Mark Reep is that stepbrother you had a thing for, the one who turned you onto Steve Vai, Stoli.
1601 4 2
Here’s the story as compiled from the scantest of clues: The writing on the back of a stall door in the restroom of a twenty-four hour restaurant under the Gowanus Expressway.
818 0 0
"...only images
I can know,"
1125 0 0
The Vegan Defense League is a vigilante group formed to fill the gap left by local law enforcement, who jam the parking lot a mile down the road at a donut shop. “By the time the cops finish their coffee and chocolate frosted donuts, we could be dead.”
1128 1 2
Before he became famous Faulkner was postmaster at the University of Mississippi Substation Post Office, a fact that endears him to mailmen around the world.
1144 3 2
She turned him down again. Said it was her insomnia. She was so tired, she said, she had to work in the morning, and why couldn't he understand that? She rolled over facing away from him. He sat up in bed, thinking. When was the last time? Three months ago? Four? He…
1661 8 3
For fifteen years Wendy waited for Harry to leave his wife. From time to time, there’d been ultimatums, break-ups too, but they never stuck. Now Wendy’s luck was about to change.
It was Tuesday, Wendy and Harry’s standing night to be together. His wif
1362 8 7
tumbling for you from afar as close-up. They will rewrite your dancing form like a proper magical spell on all their maddest days, using the branches of cherished trees dipped into the trapped wells of certain hosts of …
1479 10 6
I turn up the music and slip into drone, rock it like a tunnel in canary. When that does not erase his face, I cup my breast with one hand and let my hair fall.
1208 5 4
“I’m going,” O’Bannon-Krim says with exasperation as she throws trinkets such as Dylan Thomas beer coozies and Edna St. Vincent Millay hair scrunchies into a cardboard box.
1140 5 4
A study found that in bat species noted for female monogamy male bats have small testes and big brains, while in species noted for female promiscuity males have testicles five times as big, but smaller brains.
1254 10 10
1115 10 7
My blood has turned to flour I've been in Babylon too long My heart was singed by fire But it's drowning in my song We raised a prayer to Mary We had to take our share We took our places in the ferry But we didn't pay the fare And we don't know…
1205 4 3
We all need a place to stay.