116 16 9
I was once told that envy is the sin of the young and ignorant, that when a person adopts a more worldly view, it fades—after all, we never really know what lurks in another’s lawn
1952 48 21
I wanted to sit in class in Iowa next to Flannery as she recited that first story that stopped the world with an accent so dense with dogwood we had to strain to collect every word.
1175 8 5
1962, What I wanted was a Levittowner rancher like my best friend had,
82 12 9
Snake stuck his little forked tongue out at me and it was then I realized that Eve and I had some serious problems to work out.
1269 13 9
with cool confidence
and believable body language
245 11 5
He was Machiavelli with a tail . . .
1959 29 15
What I wanted was long-in-the-sheets sex...
1166 9 5
1357 14 9
i stained his hockey sheets
right over the red wings
1196 10 7
turn my Dorothy Hamill into a golden shadow
48 8 4
What I wanted was peace of mind. I wanted memorabilia in a way that I never thought I would because I was a woman who didn't need things to define her. I kept things simple, to a minimum. But the absence of things, when they are taken, is never simple. I wanted to say this…