1 0 0
I didn't realize it at the time, but my favorite summer vacation was the 30 days spent as an in-patient at a psychiatric unit for teenagers. I was fed, watered, medicated and entertained. It made me who I am today.
1264 5 4
You can’t take a chandelier on an emergency dash across a nuclear desert.
2 0 0
The main problem in trying to fix its location was that the spectacle came and went. We walked toward it twice – and both times it disappeared after we had advanced no more than ten or fifteen yards.
“Told you,” Glenn said. “Now you see it; now you don’t
85 15 11
Politically, legally, physically, we're all shit out of luck.
1774 9 5
Cornelia stared in the mirror wishing them away. She'd locked herself in the bathroom for several hours now, but no one had even noticed. Her surprise at cutting her hand while washing her hair was nothing compared to horror she felt when she realized exactly what she'd cut…
98 6 0
Krissi Jo Irving decided in early September that she could not go on living. She was tired of the wheelchair. She was tired of the soap operas and game shows.
507 10 8
who wears his knife on his tongue.
998 2 1
That dude takes method-acting to a whole new level. Ever seen a teenager bust a homeless man’s nose to understand a role?