Stories tagged story

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 15

868868 views22 comments22 favs

The Fourth Defenestration took place in September of that year, and it became an instant internet sensation. Mostly because of the fall from great heights into an enormous pile of haufen mist, arranged by a bunch of henchmen pals of Boris and Vladimir

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 16

731731 views22 comments22 favs

I still wake up with a start to this day, remembering the sound of that squish. And the cheer from above of all the brutes hanging out the open castle window. And of course the roar of approval and delight from the hordes of Chinese, Russian, and Germ

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 17

842842 views22 comments22 favs

The next day we were sitting at that same outdoor café on the square, trying to savor a peaceful meal of duck plucked fresh from the Vltava River, when the very same waiter passed by and said, “Bet you wish you had some peeg now, no?” There were camer

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 18

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I went back to the Charles Bridge over the Vltava River and felt the plaque of the Wall of Gropers, and that was where we hatched our plan, in front of my ancestors. I could just feel their presence there. They would be with me, the Gropers of Prague.

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 19

853853 views22 comments22 favs

But when the KGB went out the castle window, what a surprise was waiting for them. Because we had lined the pit with a huge dung heap, and camouflaged it with a colored pink wrapping as if it were feathers, just like Cristo had done. We wrapped the shit p

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 20

854854 views22 comments11 fav

The Gropers of Prague were there, all around us, in spirit if not in fact. Was it KGB? Was it a ghost from my past? Or my own hand? Stop guessing. It was Einstein himself. The KGB had taken him into custody somehow, though by what authority? All the

The Tattered

11921192 views33 comments22 favs

The snake-like veins began to pulsate angrily, and viciously about his body. Quickly he rose up about the girl. His heart was now pounding rapidly against his chest. Outstretched, were his wings, the width of the balcony, white and decrepit and old, yet s

The Difference Between Stone and Sand (Prologue excerpt)

385385 views33 comments22 favs

Twice a day, at high tide, the ocean goes down on the cliffside.

Suspended Heart

15401540 views77 comments77 favs

The suspended heart became an oracle of sorts. Hung from a string, immersed in the kind of glass container in which tulips grow, it was located between Bath and Body Works and Kleinfelter's Jewelers at the north entrance of the mall. Someone had lost it,

The Chicken Omelet

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“Why did you order a chicken omelet?” “Because I’m tired of asking which came first.”

About Those High Tension Wires In Our Backyard

12961296 views44 comments55 favs

In all the years we lived here we never had any issues from the power towers behind our house, other than them being slightly unsightly. I didn't even notice them when we would socialize out back, especially when drinking. When it rains you can sometimes

July: A Sestina Story

1616 views00 comments00 favs

& jazz is juicy sometimes when it wants to be.

A Moose-Hunter at Heart

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“Emma,” I said, “will you quit staring?” “What about the meatpacker’s hope for his daughter?” I asked “Once you get off the moon, maybe,” she said “Honestly, after so much lamb and schwarma I could go for a good wheelbarrow of broccoli”

Squirrels Just Wanna Have Fun

579579 views11 comment11 fav

“Emma,” I said, “will you quit staring? What about the meatpacker’s hope for his daughter?” I asked. “Have you even thought about that?” “Once you get off the moon, maybe,” she said “Honestly, after so much lamb and schwarma I could go for a

Avoid Anything With an Ism

725725 views55 comments33 favs

Communism Capitalism Gism or Gysm, either way Avoid anything with an Ism Catholicism Botulism Socialism Skepticism If its got an Ism in it Avoid it, okay? (Advice for our newborn daughter) Avoidalism is okay Though So you c