Stories tagged short-story

The Disappearances

381381 views1414 comments77 favs

When a hole opened in the courtyard, the kids threw pennies down and called it the wishing well. We said, "Someone must have dug it." When the hole opened wider, we said, "Someone must still be digging."


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Down on the rocks a thousand turtles sunned themselves. Between catching breaths Clay said he thought it would be a good idea to drop stones and break their shells.

The Perils of Open Hand

12141214 views22 comments22 favs

There are worse things than getting your ass kicked by a 12 year old Puerto Rican kid. This was exactly my thinking as he stood over me, his pre-pubescent screams sounding like a baby Bruce Lee, preparing to finish me off.

Scoundrels and Street Preachers

15791579 views00 comments00 favs

As Clyde was walking by, the preacher turned his attention to the ragged soul who strolled before him. The sad sight sent him into even more of a fury; he chose not to hold his tongue. "What is not permissible by God is a man who seeks out drugs and

Tiffany's Economy

13301330 views11 comment11 fav

The world waited with bated breath as Tiffany stood in the grocery store aisle that housed the various kinds of fruit spreads for sandwiches and toast. She tapped her toe and nodded her head this way and that while she compared the qualities of two jars of…

Inside at the Counter I am God

194194 views2727 comments1111 favs

Don't mistake me for nice. I quit my nice job a while ago, after seven hard night-shifts in a row. People wonder how any kind of human being could be cruel to the disabled. I don't wonder, and I don't want that on my resume so I quit that place. Now I…

The Egg Whisk

19401940 views99 comments33 favs

A plain oval face, opaque except for a birthmark streaking the right cheek like chicken shit.

Diary of a Lost Girl

24472447 views44 comments33 favs

They were all in love with tortured musicians, 22-year-old geniuses who hanged themselves after making one perfect album. The musicians generally lived in England. It was safer that way.

The Virgin of Last Resort

13181318 views55 comments00 favs

In a little dirt church at the end of the world stands the ikon of an unrecognized saint.

Grand Fury

14551455 views66 comments11 fav

At some point, Spiro thinks, everyone must look like a sniper.

Things You Probably Didn't Know About Michigan

19741974 views00 comments11 fav

I love Michigan. Michigan is my home. I love living in Michigan. There are so many things about Michigan that people don't know. People of the world don't know anything about Michigan. Our haiku festivals, quality cheeses, our love of skinny neckties and

What It Takes

1919 views11 comment00 favs

"Where is he?" "He's in a motel," Elizabeth said. "He wouldn't tell us which one. He's drunk."

What Happened When the Power Went Out

3030 views11 comment00 favs

When the power went out, Doug clung to Emily like a lifeboat. He was being tossed on a sea of pillows and blankets in their bed — the bright lights of the city outside their window were gone. For years they had complained of the brightness beyond the gl

Doobie Brother

797797 views00 comments00 favs

"Now he was just wearin' his regular clothes, and as I was walkin' in the store I said 'Hey Daddy Lonzo, how you doin'?' We talked for 'bout a minute or two, then I asked him if he knew where I could get myself a fat, left-handed cigarette."

Snow Storm

867867 views33 comments00 favs

"I'm going to go home now, the weather is supposed to start getting worse in an hour. Do you want a ride?"