56 6 1
I was in a box. On a porcelain throne. In the acoustically annoying Executive Ladies’ Room. I had peed on the stick, and didn’t like the color I’d drawn.
16 6 3
No one knew how the Sorrel Sisters did it, twisted their arms together like taut, white ropes. But it was the highlight of their strong-woman show.
2142 4 1
I was about to answer when that something emerged from the woods. It was not an animal, after all, but a woman dressed all in brown. She approached our porch windows. I shuddered and turned away. But her coming was inevitable. When I turned back, she
25 3 0
One of the women is a brassy blonde, and when she takes off her coat, I almost choke on a french fry. She's wearing a t-shirt with some writing on it. "Good girls do bad things," it says.
2874 45 29
He sat on a leather couch in the nude, blew smoke rings shaped like wild animals and picked verses out of the thick air.
1717 12 3
....sees the beginning of a new day through the closed shutters, hears the guard washing up at the sink, feels the beginning of a cry in his throat.
112 4 3
“I read somewhere that memory and judgment are the first things clouded by alcohol.”
“Memory would be okay,” she said.
1565 12 8
The blue Victorian at 1145 White Street shifts in its foundation, creaks, and settles in for the night. The girls are bundled into their beds. My wife, too, has gone to sleep. I’m alone in the kitchen, steeping chamomile tea, coughing phlegm into the wr
27 6 2
I guess the thing that killed my friend Bobby Domino started with those hearings.
33 11 6
What was he trying to say?
58 15 5
Sure, he tried to get up, but he had that look in his eye. Something happens. The body knows what the mind does not.
30 10 4
My son is on the field. My son is throwing a ball. My son is throwing a ball into a mitt. My husband is recording the number of times the ball is thrown. My husband is making little pie shapes in his book. He is making little marks.
1230 8 6
There was something wrong with this picture. Was he the man she had slept with last night?
1294 2 1
He repeated these six words like a prayer. His only confession.
1373 2 0
I try again. "You can make a big cup by putting your hands and fingers together, see?"
He glares at me. "A giant could make a big cup," he says. "A giant could make a giant cup."
I thought so before, and I’ll say it again. A little genius.