Stories tagged religion

Godspeed With Minister Ruth

114114 views00 comments00 favs

An unemployed husband finds himself stuck in the slow lane with his lesbian minister who insists on getting to a church meeting on time in the City. Afraid of getting a speeding ticket, he resists moving into the fast lane for as long as possible.

In The Place Between - Part 2

947947 views22 comments00 favs

One day a girl with blond hair was walking along the fence on the other side. There were just a handful of us left and I was the only one to notice her. I watched her. She did not see me. The next time I saw her, I went to the fence. I thought she might y

Error Bars

755755 views22 comments11 fav

Is death like standing in a room at night and turning off the lights? You would still hear your breathing. You hold your breath. Silence. Darkness. Yet you feel gravity, your feet on the floor. Then the air brushes your skin. Remove the air,…

The Gospel According to Teeny

13931393 views1414 comments1212 favs

Then I heard it -- a sound like an oboe being strangled. Teeny was farting onto the cement stoop through her jeans, a tripple flutter blast.

Heavenly Grandmother

149149 views1111 comments77 favs

I always hated God for the Holocaust,

Electric Delirium (ELECTRIC DELIRIUM 1.5)

10851085 views22 comments00 favs

Rose, silence her desire when she, in this moment of desire, has passed into the grey and dawdles in the margins of such a hurtful unconventionality. Bend her astray from such a becoming. It would be a horror show: intimate, endless, and bloody, just the

Religious Entourage.

494494 views00 comments00 favs

She continues to drag the holy words Of her sacred scroll, to the ends of time A never-ending expedition with Saints of Hope The intention of uncovering truth In lies masked with pretty little ribbons The Mass of false segregation and …

Let's All Go Down to the Rising River

827827 views11 comment00 favs

As the pastor of a small southern church, I'm often asked by our younger members about this prickly notion of global warming. They herd around me, as adolescents are prone to do, and they ask me, “Dear father, is this something that we should fear, these…

Surprise Return

2020 views22 comments11 fav

Maybe writing had become my religion.


826826 views2525 comments2121 favs

you wait for her to damn you


871871 views22 comments00 favs

You welcome the new girl by putting a message on her back. I breathe harder until she pops or until you ask me what I’ve seen or until you see my hand turn into a fist.


840840 views66 comments66 favs

Deists try to prove the existence of God. I do not doubt God nor evidence of the existence of Jesus nor Jesus' miracles. I merely wish there were more people like him

Graven Images

945945 views66 comments55 favs

Mother hated a crucifix. Graven, she said. Evidence that Catholics weren't saved, just stuck in ceremony. Jesus had risen and anyone who had to pray in Latin, count beads or confess to robed men who took orders from a monarch didn't know…

Night Of The Ghouls

957957 views11 comment11 fav

The following is a true story. Though it happened 35 years ago, it happened last night too. Everyday a new convert is welcome, a new tapestry begun. A new hunger is born.

Lord Savior Google

12001200 views44 comments44 favs

Our Lord Savior Google/ answers prayers without prejudice/ and leaves the self-hatred up to you