Stories tagged poetry

struck by colorblindness @ noon

8080 views55 comments33 favs

Red and royalblue like blisters seared intofleshybacked tessellatedfishes you once slipped onehanded into your knapsackstolen as it was from a benchat the back…

A Breath of Family Portraits

1111 views66 comments00 favs

the hard rub of hills


12161216 views1414 comments88 favs

Six months later, she was teaching theology / to refugees from est.


12501250 views1515 comments88 favs

I paid the doctor / You paid the doctor

~switches and shade~

12721272 views00 comments00 favs

  mis-placed       the change           she goes looking for.        her folks        missed another hour...          her worth-while spent wasting        the voice wouldn’t leave the leaves alone.

My Spirit Floated Free

976976 views44 comments11 fav

The last thing I heard was a loud retch The loudest retch I have ever heard

In Matters of Love

99 views77 comments00 favs

slow, determined, but

For the Wives

13101310 views1414 comments88 favs

She parks the car and trudges insidefor her daily visithoping that the new rouge hidesthe old tears.Five years now she has been comingto see himHe looks nothing like the pictures toanyone but her.They say she should go homeand rest, relaxShe doesn't know how…

Illinois Route 3

11781178 views44 comments22 favs

If this road could answer I would ask her what it is like to follow the path of the rippleshimmery river for too many miles through the slowly ghosting towns and the corncovered landscapes of the dying Midwest

Answers to Quiz 8

427427 views77 comments55 favs

Skyscrapers may erodebecome animal bonesbrittle splintglittering towersstretching miles into the troposphere.Raging overhead, the Vanguard I(with solar batteries) movesin an elliptical orbit, a small bodythat emits its own light:this is called sublimationin places where…

keys, muted trumpet nearby

278278 views33 comments00 favs

jazz & spring timesometimes mean the same thingthat thing: im prov i sa tionor maybecollab'ration (perhaps)between strangers, orangeblossom perfume sinkingagainst the shallow while while while--while the horizon…

Pieces of the poet

10651065 views88 comments22 favs

This is the poem you leave behind that you die in the middle of.

Museum of Useless Things

11 view00 comments00 favs

a herd of goats in patchwork

This is not my testament:

185185 views2626 comments1919 favs

cough, moo, the ticking clock

Floozy Walks Into a Bar

871871 views22 comments11 fav

Floozy Walks Into a Bar Toting a handbag the size of a small suitcase Because you never know Floozy Walks Into a Bar Dragging her reputation behind her And everyone looks behind her too Floozy Walks Into a Bar To test the temperature of