how we came the lovers took off their names to love naked of their pasts kneading into a mass * where we go as blind plants turn to…
You could hear her coming from a long way off
like she kept trying to catch her breath,
like she was getting the fun rattled out of her bones.
But it was laughter, always laughter that kept on
filling up her belly from the inside
and she was
On the hottest day of the year
dishonest words poured / from her cherry mouth /she clung to me / like she was my other nut / she licked the / salt from neck / held my shaved head / in between her small pink hands
It’s good to get fucked in the rain.
It’s good to get fucked in the back seat of a power boat on a river in the hot summer air with the mosquitos sucking the life out of you.
It’s good to get fucked with your bare back rubbing up against the rough bar
slow walks in the park a hug after a job well done trips to…
Sometimes you do need pawns
to make the other chess pieces feel important
something to carry, something to remind
something to carry, something to remind
She pulls shame from pockets, tosses it into the brackish air.
The coffee filter rustles like the Pages of your notebook, which Only tires you even more. Make your drink strong to Make up for the lack of resolve In your shoulders, and Your weak promises. The familiar sound of percolation And you reach the…
My books wound you. They wound me / too.
no worries of the kingdom then.
a dark red, the future maybe
I suppose the lazy trees would have a thing or two to say about love