Stories tagged poetry


13881388 views33 comments44 favs

IT's like, 15 words. Do you really need a snippet?

My Love is a Captain

122122 views33 comments22 favs

My love is Gladys who is more American than the Americans. She is stiffer than her Dippity Doo.

Junior League Therapy

919919 views55 comments44 favs

She laughed as she stuck up the word flaccid, it kept falling down

step martyr

755755 views33 comments33 favs

my heartis a brokenstandpipefanningcity water cayenneacross sidewalksgutters ripple redover fast food bagsand cigarette buttsover the feetof priests and pit bullsover the handsof drunksand babiesand into the mouthsof ratsand raconteurs you never oughtadrink…

My best

10801080 views22 comments11 fav

I don't have time

Up To Down

14661466 views99 comments55 favs

sweetness turned to dust in our moldy mouths...


282282 views22 comments11 fav

We’re like a reckless band of thieves,

Fragment from a Paper Story

10131013 views11 comment11 fav

While Leif was still very young, his emotions were very easy to read, for they appeared on his parchment coloured skin, named in his mother's writing. When he was seventeen, Leif fell in love. She was a pretty maid, one of the college servants who kept his…

Mo Bands

890890 views22 comments22 favs

Beeswax Just Kill Me Beam Me Up Deep-Fried Twinkie End of Lust Hootchie and the Eye Patch Boy Crazy Instant Success Sleeping Geezers Cyber Shoes

The last sunny day. LUST

10431043 views11 comment00 favs

I remember.

Worlds Apart

139139 views1919 comments1212 favs

toenails clicking like ghosts tapping on a window


609609 views00 comments00 favs

I don’t think I like where we stood To see these golden paths of what could I hate to think I awoke from this lie

Notes for a Life. In a Swing. No Wind to Speak of.

22 views00 comments00 favs

Your lungs are sadness, full-measured.

How Religion Got Its Start

14831483 views2020 comments1414 favs

In the bearded sun, I see a golden goat.

Wood Hill

129129 views99 comments55 favs
