Stories tagged poem

Will There Be Cliff Notes?

899899 views22 comments22 favs

The new members were asked to stand up and say their names. One obnoxious, pushy woman from L.A. stood up and said, "Ama Torrent, and I'm an alcoholic." The roomful of people started murmuring. Suddenly a man in his late fifties shot out of his chai

Living on Non-Skid Row

829829 views33 comments22 favs

Here’s the local group of grumpy gray-haired men Chewing over politics as if it’s important As if their endless discussing of it, Waving their hands in the air, gesturing, Is going to change the world How do these guys stop from having heart a

Self Portrait with Google

12541254 views1919 comments1616 favs

Try it with and without/ middle name or middle initial.// Try different keywords.

Love Makes the Boundaries Disappear

746746 views22 comments11 fav

She was asked: “What would it mean to be in a great earthquake to you?” She said: “It would mean that I might never see him again.” Then she panicked. She came to me and said: “Do you mind riding in the other car? I have to ride in the same car wi

Erasing the Modern World

905905 views55 comments33 favs

An electromagnetic pulse/ scrubbed the servers./ The clouds wisped and blew away, empty./ Markets lost what little mind they had.

They Only Remember the Bad Boys

7676 views11 comment11 fav

Keeps your friends close. Keep your enemies closer. It’s an old saying, she said.

The Glass

10871087 views1212 comments1212 favs

Not only half-full/ but stress-fractured

Yeah, He's Stoned

899899 views33 comments33 favs

He’s so stoned he’s in the zen zone, Which is just beyond the end zone.

Deliberate Music

929929 views1111 comments1010 favs

My emulations always fail. At heart,/ I don’t want bougainvillea nor blushing pilgrims

Alcoholic Reverie

697697 views33 comments22 favs

My grandfather’s soul And his infinite high-pitched laughter Intervene And the alcohol that Brought him closer to heaven But that wreaked havoc Among his family And my father Washes down the gullies of the Future

Caffeinated Stress

66 views00 comments00 favs

"A beagle doesn’t get caffeinated stress"

Lingua Materna, Lingua Imperiale

927927 views88 comments77 favs

arrogant, sullen,/ supple and ambiguous,// English seems the ideal tongue

The Abduction

4646 views22 comments22 favs

It doesn’t matter! he tweeted. Show ‘em Larry! Show ‘em Larry! Who’s Larry? I tweeted back. Oh, he tweeted. What do you call yours?

The Ones Who Are Left Behind

862862 views11 comment22 favs

The women, I think, Handle it better than The men. The men just stare Straight ahead Vacantly Hollow-eyed Lonely. The women more Fulfilled by their lives, Having always Expressed their love. The men, Not so much. And find

A modicum of madness

10091009 views1010 comments88 favs

for the moment/ you think you know what you’re/ doing and do it.