Stories tagged poem


877877 views66 comments55 favs

and any stain or streak/ is as you will or wish it

Riddle Me This

6969 views44 comments00 favs

Is it better to write to remember, or to forget?

Black Hole

945945 views99 comments88 favs

The falling may continue// forever.


10871087 views44 comments33 favs

The print is not ideal, it's true.


10621062 views99 comments1111 favs

The brain taints everything it brings to us/ with its limited apparatus, its precepts,// all the things it thinks it knows.

The Dragon Sleeps

7474 views44 comments44 favs

In the Year of the Dragon,everyone has stopped kung fu fighting.Even Radames Pera is no longer Grasshopper.His bald head has grown long and Little House on the Prairie knows him as John, Jr.I recognize him and am star struckbetween biology and geometry.This is not…

holi होली day

145145 views2121 comments1111 favs

Art does not imitate Life.

On the Chart of Universal Unbelievability This Takes the Cake

5757 views22 comments00 favs

What messages are tattooed to her thighs And who’ll be reading them? Here’s to sending the wrong message, But at the right time. Here’s to attitude and amplitude. Do bubbles have requirements, Or own anything? They live a brief life Of phy

Dread and Circuses

983983 views55 comments77 favs

It is claimed we choose/ conditions of our servitude.

Long Way Off

9292 views00 comments00 favs

She kept trying to catch her breath, but it was laughter, always laughter that kept on filling up her belly from the inside. She was having trouble sitting on top of that flaming ride and keeping her balance, and her cool, as if her cool was

Lamenting Lexiconical Loss

12461246 views1111 comments99 favs

Neglected long enough, uncalled for/ by the shrinking language of the day,// my words abandon me.

Dinosaur Flatulence May Have Warmed the Earth

5353 views66 comments22 favs

A young woman in shorts and sunglasses, putting her sunglasses on the top of her head in order to study a little girl sitting on her father’s lap on the bus. “I want to get me one of those,” she’s says, smiling. Dark eyes, her dark hair wet and hanging,

Einstein's Wife (A Relative Theory)

448448 views77 comments55 favs

these candid epistles are not confessions, they are revelations for his German Magdalene, weightless sacrifices she is willing to make to kiss the atomic, cradling genius and quieting his alarm in her skirted lap

Pain as Mnemonic Device

11071107 views77 comments77 favs

If something hurts enough/ you never forget it. Like the// toothache when you first learned


14151415 views1111 comments44 favs

A young woman in shorts removes her sunglasses, putting them on top of her head in order to study a little girl sitting on her father’s lap on the bus. “I want to get me one of those,” she’s says, smiling. Dark eyes, her dark hair wet and hangin