12 0 0
Now, spill
on a
we'll make a baby
per day.
234 10 8
rusted house off to the left a chrome revolver off to the right
desert hallucinations city undulations
1228 1 0
I'm completely naked in an unheated basement, about 40 first year university students, most of them female, are staring at my ridiculous waif-like body.
1297 4 1
I’m squatting naked over the hand mirror, feet cold on the terrazzo floor, looking at my winking arsehole.
1285 11 7
On the bank of the stream, we take off our clothes and dash into the water.
18 0 0
silence is the safest place to be when silence is what silence truly is
201 50 23
But I wasn't getting out...
886 2 1
What the fuck is that smell? Puke? Pine-Sol? Oh shit!Back seat of a cop car.Again?What is it this time?“Excuse me, officer? Where the fuck are my clothes?”
893 3 3
The leaves/
seek reunion with the ground//
and leave the oak tree naked/
in December’s cold.