Stories tagged love

Second verse, same as the first

13151315 views22 comments22 favs

Most people assume I’m gay, and have assumed I’m gay since I was in fifth grade. Maybe sooner. Maybe fifth grade is just my first memory of recognizing what other people believed true about me. But coming out as a gay man in 1987, when I was in fifth gra

The Ferry

11191119 views00 comments11 fav

The two of them stood at the long end of a pier that cut sharp into an L 25 feet out into the river. It was an old wooden pier that relished in its every crack and splinter regardless of the fresh coat of white paint that melted lazily over the rotting bo


2626 views00 comments11 fav

face down nose buried in your still warm pillow deep in the down


2828 views00 comments00 favs

When I couldn't take any more of her abuse, she reached over and ruffled my hair as if that condescending act was going to make amends for the tremendous injury she caused my ego. Then she kissed me. I stood still not knowing how to react. I felt her tong

Dirty Aubade

14261426 views77 comments55 favs

We could kiss under the elder tree, even though it was forbidden, even though we were drowned by the noise of the river and nothing we said was right

Dairy Queen Lust

14681468 views00 comments00 favs

I, personally, just had no interest in having some pimply-faced moron stick his tongue down my throat.

An Ordinary Broken Heart

106106 views1111 comments88 favs

She laughs and holds up her middle finger. Chipped black nail polish greets me.

June 30, 2010

9191 views44 comments11 fav

You're colorblind but your third eye sees my invisible heart murmur panties.

Puke Across Texas

1919 views00 comments00 favs

Imagine a girl who is never a woman...

Sweat, Tears, Saliva

112112 views99 comments55 favs

When Mr. Gregor pulled me by the arm, Lo pounced on him. Knocking Mr. Gregor to the ground with one shove. He then rammed his fist into the young teacher’s face, breaking his glasses, making blood ooze from his thin nose.

Quite The Stupid Bitch

331331 views3737 comments1919 favs

Words I wish I had said are thick like Nacho Cheese Doritos cheese on my tongue. But I said so many words. I said too many words. But I wanted to say more.


11771177 views00 comments00 favs

Her mouth was sour; her forehead was still damp with perspiration. She leaned against the bathroom wall and noted her complexion had gone pale. She wanted to slide down the wall and rest until she felt steadier, but…

My Sole Skype Experience

128128 views77 comments11 fav

"Don't you have something bigger?" he asked via Yahoo. "I don't eat cucumbers," I typed back.

Mushroom Like a Pile of Ears

7979 views66 comments22 favs

1979This is what Cheryl Brown thought as she stood out in front of her newly minted Colonial in Bloomington Estates: that her husband Matthew was a beautiful person. If he had been born a cardinal, everything would have been fine, because as the male…

I Wish

548548 views00 comments00 favs

I wish I had money I would give it all to you I would give you more than I could imagine I would pull the fetus out of your heart Between my two fingers And glue us together I would glue our faces together too After putting in all my