Stories tagged love


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Had I said something before, she might could have saved a little face by telling me to go to hell before we tumbled into the covers. All right. Again, I was no gentleman. Send me to hell. Whatever. I lay there on my back, my arm around her, and listened t


15951595 views1111 comments66 favs

Follow my finger up the canyon wall, past the Chevy wedged into its own ferocious orbit. It was that innocent...

Bear Circuit

128128 views00 comments00 favs

My alarm clock went off at 4pm, an hour before work, half an hour before getting out of bed, like a hazard siren.

Elegiac Beer Toast

7272 views1313 comments66 favs

"He is risen indeed," I affirmed with a smile. I loved the surprise on his face. I knew my lines.


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People ask me sometimes what it’s like to meet your wife when you’re six years old, and I have to admit now that I don’t really understand the question. Marla and I, we were just friends for most of that time. She made me laugh. I let her crib off my math

This love.

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- Never in pain and distance - Frown on these moments, With bitterness and vain


6666 views1313 comments77 favs

This begins and ends and begins again with candied popcorn and peanuts and giant killer rabbits.


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“Wait, so you’re Burt Lancaster? You’re not tall enough to be Burt Lancaster.” I popped a hand over my mouth. Wine as truth serum would do me no favors.


9797 views99 comments66 favs

He stuck her in a shell and she became the shell, reeked of shell, his powerless accomplice with seeds in her hair.

short novel excerpt

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On the edge of the bed steam rises from the teacups on the top of the SuperSer. She scratches at her stockings where the heater element points and folds her legs sideways. Somehow I cannot stop staring at her. The changes in the years since we last met ar

Bad Romance

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Billy puts down the cat, then walks to the tub and picks up the jar of bath salts and tips it until the scented granules cascade into the water, staining it green-yellow as they dissolve.

Henry, reach!

831831 views33 comments33 favs

I've heard it said that nothing lasts forever. But when I heard this, no one could have made me believe that nothing referred to my Helen. For it was just this morning that I watched her step quite happily onto our porch, and blow me her goodbye kiss, as


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said you loved me told some jokes aren’t you dying?


10531053 views77 comments66 favs

"I'm in a wrestling movie!" you shouted.


178178 views44 comments33 favs

an old Jaguar S-Type pulled over and the driver honked its horn. I picked up my bag and ran toward the car. A tiny old man sat in the driver’s seat, a black and white Collie beside him on the ground. The back seat was missing entirely and three chickens