a redeye flight to your home
maybe i have a remedy
father's crying, grandpa's dying
and Christ, you're weak
but there's hope — you're a fighter
should've died the day you wandered in
i feel defeated without help to give
don't mourn in front of you
what can i offer?
stroke your hair with love,
said a lot to the Lord, but I lost you
it is deep, it is done
such a calvary
must've came and kissed your soul right in front of me
spread news on the phone
such a tragedy
and now kept inside is everything you've said to me
the last days, they weren't awkward
didn't mind the shallow breathing bits
said you loved me
told some jokes
aren't you dying?
i lifted your head for a washcloth
i hope your as comfy
at rest in your coffin
heavy Wednesday
but your love was the stone
foundation of our family
and after you will be the hardest its ever been
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My unbelievably healthy grandfather just died. It's been a hypnotic few weeks.