Stories tagged loss-of-innocence

The Kisses of a Satyr

15531553 views66 comments44 favs

“I better go. My mom needs me at home,” she says. Soft. Smooth. Firm. Sweet. Maybe I’m pushing too hard. I kiss her on the cheek and she stiffens in response. My heart bleats.

abalone fishing

12031203 views33 comments00 favs

after several beers this woman told me once/(when I was maybe 15)

My First Horror Show

10191019 views00 comments00 favs

I remember screaming and wanting to run from the living room that time you came home drunk.

Zack Time

265265 views1313 comments88 favs

The Suicide Hotline shift ends early enough that Ian gets home at five in the morning, and Zack is waiting, t-shirt on backwards. He is three; every five in the morning is Zack time.


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"Maybe…" he began searching for some comforting wisdom. "Maybe it's like this. Husbands live for their wives. Mothers live for their children. And children...well...until they're husbands or wives, they live for themselves."


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Her ghost/kept coming back/to Hamlet


11511151 views33 comments11 fav

What follows is one of those moments, though to some people, it would seem a fantasy, perhaps a "Wizard of Oz" era tale.

Driving Lesson

12111211 views66 comments77 favs

Just take the mountain curves as tightly to the inside and as fast as surface conditions permit and the road’s edge


11651165 views44 comments44 favs

Betrayal of course is the great human crime. As I found out when . . . .

Taking it Easy

984984 views22 comments22 favs

At the Winslow Funeral Home in Winslow, Arizona, just like in the Eagles’ 70s song “Take It Easy,” only I’m not taking it easy.